So, a while ago we celebrated our 100th day of homeschool! I am just getting around to blogging about it, lol! But, this is always a much anticipated event in our house, because it involves my kids’ favorite thing: treats!
Our day was a lot of fun and here is a little peak into how we celebrated it…
First we read Psalm 100 (which, By the way, is a very joyous psalm! It went well with my kid’s excitement. You should go read it now…its an automatic mood booster!
Then we wrote out 100 things we are thankful for….this took my kids only a matter of minutes. Some things that were written down (among everything) was : grandparents, pets, candy, Jesus, Bible, webkinz, mom, dad (nice to know that we are right up there with Webkinz!…lol)
Next, they did 100 exercises! 10 each of 10 exercises.
Then they were given a writing assignment to tell about what they wanted to do when they are 100 years old. Helaina said that she wanted to “ride a roller coaster in 100 years”
Ethan wrote “In 100 years I want to ride a water slide” ( They will be some very adventurous old people…lol)
Finally, Isabella wrote: “In 100 years I would like to be a horse trainer.”
You gotta love their little minds:-)!
….Finally they had to use team work and their problem solving skills to solve clues in a “scavenger hunt” of sorts. They had a blast, and it was fun for me to see the light bulbs go off over their heads when they solved a clue together…
…and for the last clue…here is the riddle…
if you guessed oven, you are right! And for the prize…
That’s right! Ten different snacks…and you guessed it…they got to take 10 of each to make for their 100 snack bag! Oh yes, you may be thinking that this is very unhealthy…well it! But, my kids definitely know the concept of 100 and they know that 10 10’s make 100. And after all, we did our 100 exercises, so that should balance the goodies out. LOL!
Well, that was our “memorable” 100 day celebration! It was a lot of fun, and a reminder to me that we just love “homeschooling!”
WOW! What an awesome idea. I love the concept and the pics!
Can I come be your neighbor so we can homeschool together????>>You rock girl. ROCK!>>I so love this, especially as a math teacher – we did lots of things for the 100th day in Elem school!
omgoodness! I absolutely love this idea. And I’m already regretful I didn’t count. So I am unabashadly stealing this WONDERFUL idea for next year. My boybarians will thank you for sure.> >Thanks so much for sharing this idea. Brilliant!
Okay, you really do deserve a mom of the year award!!! Awesome ideas! Fun, memory building, learning, GREAT ideas!
100th day coming in this house…was back to see what you do – LOVE the snack idea 🙂 hehehehe!