Announcing!!!: Summer Story-time Surprises at Gia’s Hope Farm Friends!
From 9AM -10, every Tuesday (unless otherwise noted) starting June 21, 2022 until August 16, 2022
Bring your favorite animal stuffy and come for a soothing story/art Time on the farm!
featuring a surprise animal/nature themed experience that will be different each week.
Each class includes the following activities:
a sweet story time with A simple and calming nature art activity.
A special UP CLOSE and hands on interaction experience with a surprise fuzzy friend from the farm while learning all about that specific creature.
a time of sharing with friends about your own special stuffy and why it is special.
A Biblical lesson learned each week.
A snack time (provided or you may bring your own).
More details/registration at
Come ready to receive JOY from God’s creation!
all proceeds go towards Live Gia Grow Forever Foundation (501c3)