I am so excited to share that the day has finally come and Hope’s Garden Song is FINALLY available for PRE-ORDER on AMAZON (HURRY GO PRE-ORDER!)!!! Not only will you be helping to spread more HOPE into the world, but you will also be supporting GIASHOPE.org! All proceeds go directly to our foundation to help fund intiatives that support adoption, orphan-care, grief support and family preservation (orphan prevention).
So when God deposited the seed of the vision of this book into my heart, I knew it was His story all along and I was just the one who was called to take the vision, write it down and run with it. It was a HUGE endeavor and I had no clue what I was doing…. But I just did what He said. WRITE IT DOWN AND RUN WITH IT.
“The LORD answered me: “Write down the vision; write it clearly on clay tablets so whoever reads it can run to tell others” (Habakkuk 2:2)
It has been a humbling ride and I still don’t even know what I am doing but I know I have an awesome King who knows exactly what He is doing with His book and I have dedicated it fully to Him a long time ago. I want so much to see GOD’S STORY soar, rise to the top and be spread all over the world to those who need it most!
So, imagine my surprise when I saw THIS!!!

YEAH!! I know!?? What in the world!!!!!!
So, I was stalking my own Amazon listing friday and I saw that my book had this little announcement next to the listing that it was #1 in two categories for “newly released books!!!” The two categories are: Children’s Farm Life Books and Children’s Farm Animal Books.
Look, I have no idea how long this will last, but I am going to relish in this miracle for as long as I can! Because this is ALL GOD! All His hand, His blessing and I am SO GRATEFUL!! And so excited!!
This book is the product of so many prayers, tears and ultimately birthed from the life of the most beautiful brave little girl who the Lord continually uses to teach us all about HOPE, GOODNESS and TRUTH!
You guys… I am in AWE!!! I can’t even breathe. I just am so excited to see HOPE’S GARDEN SONG get seen, because the more exposure it gets, the more it will land it family’s hands who need it and the more funding we will have for GIASHOPE.ORG
MOSTLY I am so excited to see God get the glory. As I said before, this is not my story… it’s HIS STORY of Hope in the dark and of LIFE WINNING….
It’s His story of LIFE OVERCOMING DEATH and SORROW. His story of the truth that destruction, sorrow, grief, loss, tragedy, trauma, disappointment, and heartbreak do not get the final say in our stories.
That is the message that this broken world needs to hear.
And, I need your help to take this SONG of HOPE out into the world. This world needs GOD’S song of HOPE!! Let’s light up the darkness together!

I can not do this alone!
Ways to help LIGHT UP THE DARK:
1)Please PRE-ORDER my book ( order 2!! one for you and one as a gift for a friend who needs it)
2) Please share about the book on your FB and INSTAGRAM! The more exposure, the more this story gets seen!
3) If you are a family who knows deep tragedy, grief, pain and/or loss and you need this song of HOPE…. please Contact me if you would like to have an advanced copy via PDF electronic email. I would love to bless you in this way.
4) If you would love to help me spread the word of this book by writing a review on your Social Media outlets then I will absolutely send you an advanced reader copy via email! THIS WOULD BE A GIFT!
5) Friends, will you pray for my illustrator, my dear friend, Sara Jo Floyd and her family. You may know her as :BRYARTON FARM on IG. They are a blessing to this world. They are currently in India and are adopting their newest precious little girl. Please pray for fast processing of the paperwork and for their daughter’s little heart to heal and to bond. They are a special precious family, and as you can see…. Sara is is so gifted. This book would not be a book without her talents and love and the way she held this vision, painted the vision and ran with me. These illustrations are exactly the vision I saw 4 years ago when God showed me what He wanted me to do. Oh how I adore and love them so much and would love if you would pray with me for them and their miracles! Life is blooming!!!
6) Please share THIS BLOG POST that you are reading with the world! Just copy and paste from your address bar and paste into your FB or share in email to your close friends!
7) AND this should be absolutely BE #1: THE MOST IMPORTANT! PLEASE pray with me for God to be glorified through this book as He miraculously sends it forth into the homes, hands and hearts of the families who need to gather around together, read it and witness, in a visual new way, how our Great Gardener cries with us, is always with us, and never wastes a single tear or broken story. And, ultimately how He is the only ONE who can bring beauty from what is so broken, and He is the ONLY ONE who redeems LIFE FRONT DEATH! HE is our great Rescuer from Despair!
Let’s Take this light out into the world! THANK YOU for RUNNING with me!