Here’s one highlight from the week:
We made homemade ice cream as we learned about “Pennsylvania” in our year long State Study. To help us remember that PA is the leading milk producer in the nation, we made our own icecream from milk, sugar and vanilla! We also snacked on LOTS of hershey kisses!;)

This prooved to be a great chemistry lesson too, as the kids witnessed the reaction of the rock salt/ice, sugar, milk and vanilla….and, LOTS OF SHAKIN!!!!


Ash found a new way to shake it up w/o getting his hands cold!

has it solidified, is it ready to taste??

Here’s is the proof of Helaina’s shakin’

Helaina’s turned out the best, tasting just like the vanilla icecream that came in those little cups (when I was a kid) with those little flat wooden spoons! Remember?

It really is cool! after 5 min. of shaking…it turned into icecream!

This face basically says it all: Bella’s turned out yucky! We think Salt crossed over into her icecream bag 🙁

And, we decided to break out the “Store-bought” stuff for treat, and to compare tastes!

Well, it’s been a roller coaster ride this past week! Every year, there is always such a HUGE adjustment. Yeah, It’s our consequence for taking a TRUE summer break and really relaxing off the studies and the structure. As much as we LOVE it, there is always the price to be paid come September. Though, I still wouldn’t trade my traditional summer breaks for anything!! 😉 I admire those who can homeschool year-round!
Just like on a roller coaster, you have ups…and you have downs. For all of us, emotions have been off the charts. But, each day….as we get into our groove, we are doing better at accepting the change of a new normal. But, my issue is my awful pattern of going to bed too late. I LOVE STAYING UP LATE!! I just can’t go to sleep before 12. But, in order to have a successful homeschool day I **really** HAVE to get up by 7am. I am struggling at this. Something takes over, and makes me push snooze…too many times!
Another reason that I have been more stressed is because I have not been starting my mornings with the Lord, and in the Word. When I don’t start the day with God, I am more easily angered, I have less patience, and I just don’t have a peace throughout the day. It all equals a YUCKY mommy.
So, this has NOT been a good pattern either. But, I am SO EXCITED for, to start their new online bible study. They are doing 1John and each day, starting Sept. 15, you read ONE scripture verse from 1John (you follow their reading plan) and reflect, journal, and pray how that verse can apply to your life, your day….your needs. You can even discuss with friends and those online who are also doing the study. But, the point is: you are in the Word. And, that’s where you find the Lord. The amazing thing about scripture is that it is “Living and Active” so simply reading ONE verse can BRING LIFE to your heart, and your day.
I am also excited to start this book (A Praying Life) for our Women 2 Women bible study that starts this Wed. at our church. I am going to try and start my mornings out in this book as well. I was led to this specific book because I have witnessed first hand the AMAZING power of prayer…with this adoption, with my family, with Brian’s job….so many answers to prayer.
However, prayer is not just a wish list to the Father….it’s communication, it’s relationship…and it’s the way we draw near to Him. This is DEFINITELY something that I want to learn how to do better! I don’t ever want to underestimate the necessity of prayer, the blessings of prayer, and the fruit of prayer.
So, what did I LEARN THIS WEEK in homeschool?? If I am not depending on Christ, then I WILL FAIL. My kids need to see me dripping in the grace and love of God, I want them to see Him in me. I want them to want Him, by seeing the passion I have for the LORD. That will be the success of homeschooling…
that they grow in their love for their Savior.