Please pray tomorrow around 1pm.
We don’t have an exact time, all I know is that Gianna is 2nd up in the OR
She will be getting her Pace maker which will assist her heart in keeping a healthy sinus rhythm.
Thankfully, Gianna has a good escape rate (I call it her survival rhythm) since its basically what she would be surviving on or “escaping with” if she had no pace maker. But it is not the best most efficient way for her heart to beat …
So, it needs some help since it’s top chambers and bottom chambers are not communicating in an effective way.
I am told many people have pacemakers in this world and go on living normal healthy lives with their heart being assisted in this way.
YUP,  there have been major moments of “kicking and screaming” (and I am not talking about my Gia’s episodes!) 🙂
It’s just been a bad couple days knowing this has been on the horizon and was pretty much going to happen.
It stinks to have to go back in the OR …..back to a chest tube, intubation, opening her incision.
Breaks my heart for my baby girl …kills me.
BUT. then after tomorrow (we are praying for a fast extubation) Â we will be over the FINAL HUMP in this journey to creating a new heart in Gia.
On the road to healing!
I am thankful….we are seeing the light!
When I took a moment today to step back and think how far we’ve come, I got encouraged.
Actually, I was like a “deer in headlights”
in awe
We walked into this hospital over three weeks ago with a little girl who’s heart was only working half way….. with one ventricle.
Basically, after this 3rd and final open heart surgery in the past 3 weeks, Gia will have a fully repaired whole heart.
I still have a hard time processing that.
Her heart will need “some tune-ups” every 5-10 years but these will be minor surgeries for some replacement parts.
But, I can’t wait till that glorious moment when we walk (ahem…make that bound and skip) out of this hospital on our way home to celebrate the
Till then, it will remain my honor and privilege as her mama to keep walking her through this difficult  miracle journey, always by her side.
We will finish strong this miracle marathon….
 through each valley, over each mountain and to the glorious finish line.
God will continue to carry us with HIS strong mighty arm, in the good days and bad.
we will walk into tomorrow’s surgery strong and encouraged and BRAVE!
(yes, I will still cry handing my girl over to them again, that NEVER gets easy, never)
 Gianna Lilyfaith is a warrior with a mighty GOD!
BE STRONG GIA!!! We love you so much!!!!
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely <span class="crossreference" data-cr="#cen-NASB-18462B" data-link="(B)” style=”box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; position: relative; top: 0px; vertical-align: top;”>I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous <span class="crossreference" data-cr="#cen-NASB-18462C" data-link="(C)” style=”box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; position: relative; top: 0px; vertical-align: top;”>right hand.’