Gianna is holding well, and progressing beautifully! THANK YOU JESUS!
One concern is that her white count is up, slight fever last night and so they sent out some cultures to check for infection
So the plans for today for our strong girl are a little more radical….after a few days of a holding pattern, they are ready to up her goals…I am a bit nervous but SO excited too!
One concern is that her white count is up, slight fever last night and so they sent out some cultures to check for infection
So the plans for today for our strong girl are a little more radical….after a few days of a holding pattern, they are ready to up her goals…I am a bit nervous but SO excited too!
-They are cutting her morphine drip by 1/2 so she will wake some more
-They will try some ventilator sprints to exercise lungs and cut back on the machine a bit if she seems ready.
– They will up her diuretics to try and get more fluid off of her
-They will try some ventilator sprints to exercise lungs and cut back on the machine a bit if she seems ready.
– They will up her diuretics to try and get more fluid off of her
SO please pray all goes well, and her heart agrees with moving forward!
 Gianna is a fighter and I see her battling so hard!!! I can’t wait to be able to scoop her up and hold her again.  sigh….
So, MY goals: to walk outside and get a starbucks and stop at CVS …they are kicking me out  …saying I need more fresh air.
The thing is that I would be more inclined to if the air wasn’t so DARN cold. LOL….HOLY freezing temps!!!
Ya’ll know how I hate being cold! But…I will brave the temps and take a therapeutic walk  I know it is good for me.
Anyways, for those that were wondering about me, I am doing well, eating well (though eating is not as fun without Brian)Â …missing my hubby and babies at home like CRRAAAZZZZY, but I know they are in good hands with daddy and awesome grandparents holding down the fort!!
Thank you to those who have brought meals, what a blessing to know they are being fed well!Â
And everyone is so caring and nice here at Boston Childrens that it makes it easier to be here…..such a nice hospital.
I’ve bonded with many other CICU mamas over our little warriors….some amazing parents here and thankful for new relationships…
If you could just pray I stay healthy and don’t get this awful cold and cough that is going around with some parents, I would appreciate. I REALLY dont want to get sick…..
Oh, heres a comical story I gotta share:
So this morning my key card to my sleep space didnt work and I was stuck in the hallway in my pj’s and slippers (after brushing my teeth) totally locked out of my space……no phone! LOL…
Security finally came to help a girl out, but geez! I guess it made for a good laugh!Â
The thing is that I would be more inclined to if the air wasn’t so DARN cold. LOL….HOLY freezing temps!!!
Ya’ll know how I hate being cold! But…I will brave the temps and take a therapeutic walk  I know it is good for me.
Anyways, for those that were wondering about me, I am doing well, eating well (though eating is not as fun without Brian)Â …missing my hubby and babies at home like CRRAAAZZZZY, but I know they are in good hands with daddy and awesome grandparents holding down the fort!!
Thank you to those who have brought meals, what a blessing to know they are being fed well!Â
And everyone is so caring and nice here at Boston Childrens that it makes it easier to be here…..such a nice hospital.
I’ve bonded with many other CICU mamas over our little warriors….some amazing parents here and thankful for new relationships…
If you could just pray I stay healthy and don’t get this awful cold and cough that is going around with some parents, I would appreciate. I REALLY dont want to get sick…..
Oh, heres a comical story I gotta share:
So this morning my key card to my sleep space didnt work and I was stuck in the hallway in my pj’s and slippers (after brushing my teeth) totally locked out of my space……no phone! LOL…
Security finally came to help a girl out, but geez! I guess it made for a good laugh!Â
Thank you friends and family for holding our girl up, God is healing her… His perfect timing.
                             HE IS making her new!Â
Precious Gia! Our family continues to pray for you! You are loved by us and by an amazing God! My verse for you (and mommy and daddy) is still Romans 15:13 ” May the God of ALL Hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him,so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Sweet Gianna. We are praying you home, heart healthy and strong. To run and play with all your sweet sisters and brothers.