"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

A BIG THANK YOU!!! (baby bottle gifts)

And THIS is just a small fraction of the bottles filled for our daughter…..

When we recieved the bottle, the money got counted and poured into our BIG BOTTLE! 🙂

Isabella was a faithful counter…..So glad I taught her well how to count change in homeschool! 😉

To all those who have donated their prayers, and their spare change and dollars (in any form) during our baby bottle fundraiser (ESPECIALLY our little young prayer warrior friends out there!!!) Please know that we are SO VERY VERY grateful, and know that we don’t take even one word spoken in prayer, nor one penny given in sacrifice for granted. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping to bring our daughter home. Thank you for being a part of God’s plan!
wait, we’re still counting………………….

WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!! LOOK WHAT GOD CAN DO through HIS people! Just like in the bible, he fed over FIVE thousand people with just five loaves, and two fishes. You know why? Because GOD CAN MULTIPLY! And, He’s done it with your gifts to us and we are so very humbled to see Him working! We believe He is BIG enough to bring her home! Can’t wait to see what else He does!

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