"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

A day at the barn…..

This is so much fun! We just piled in the car and took the afternoon to spend with our family horse, Barron. It’s so awesome to not have to pay for pony rides!:-) They love to be walked around the ring on Barron’s back. Barron takes good care of them. Of course, Isabella wants to gallop him off into the sunset….(mommy says: “no way”). She is so adventurous! But, I am way too protective….so a little trotting here in there is what she is doing for now. And Brian got to hop up and take Barron for a walk for a little bit as well! See, Brian doesn’t usually get to ride because he is occupying the kids, but this new farm that we have Barron at is so wonderful for children! The kids get to hold kitties, chase chickens, and hang with some sheep and cows…just too much fun!

Isabella wants to jump Barron….but, he is too old…so, he just walks over the poles:-)

Giddy up daddy!!! He is so handsome on a horse;-)

Of course, mommy had to hop on, they couldn’t have all the fun!

Ethan is cute, there was a time when he was scared of riding….not anymore!

Helaina would spend all day up there if we let her….she wants to make sure none of us touch her or hold on to her…so, she can be a big girl rider!

Oh my, this little cowboy named Ashy is just toooo cute!! He loved telling Barron to “walk on!”

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