"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

a letter to my daughter….(happy 13th my beautiful Isabella)

 Today is a very special day.

I could have never pictured this monumental day in my mind when I carried around you, my chubby cheeked, dimpled legged, curly blonde haired, blue eyed, beautiful baby girl on my hip.

 All I knew was that you were OUR DREAM COME TRUE! You made my life-long dream of becoming a mom come true…

I always knew I’d have a girl first…..well, I HOPED and prayed.  And, God gave me YOU! I couldn’t imagine a more wonderful, mature, compassionate and fun girl to be the “oldest” in our family! You are such a blessing and a gift to all of us. Daddy and I always look at each other in amazement and awe of the gift and honor to get to be your parents.

And, to celebrate your “entrance” into the fun and exciting teenage years, I thought I’d write a few thoughts that I have tucked in my heart for you and for so many of the special teenager girls in your life.

So I wrote you a letter.

Dear my precious teenage girl,
      You are embarking on a very special phase of your life, the phase where you enter into the exciting and and awesome teenage years. These are special years…..the phase between “little girl” and “womanhood.”
And daddy and I are so excited to get to walk you though it.
But, there are some very vital things that we want you NEVER to forget. Truths that we ask you to hold close to your heart as you walk this unique phase of life.
First of all, above everything else, we want you to never forget that:
YOU are a “daughter of the King!”
That’s right my lovely, you are God’s precious princess who made you for a special reason. He compares you to no one else, you are ONE OF A KIND.
In a phase of life when “conformity” is so much fun! When doing the same things, wearing the same things, and loving the same things as your closest friends becomes such a constant theme, please don’t EVER forget that YOU are an original. And, you lack nothing that HIS grace can’t give you. Don’t lose who you are in the fun phase of conformity. Don’t let anyone try and change you. Be yourself always. It’s what makes you special and what draws others to you. It’s your “light”. Don’t ever let your light go out, or give anyone the right to put a cloud over that light. It’s God’s light in you and deserves to shine always.
Also, never forget that you are beautiful. 
You’re beautiful because of the beauty that shines from the inside out. 
Your love for Christ.
Your love for others.
Your kindness
Your compassion.
Your smile.
Your ability to love people fiercely.
Your sensitivity.
Your honesty.
Your sense of humor.
Your desire to help others.
Your ability to see the beauty around you.
Your giving spirit.
Your determination and fortitude

This is the beauty that never fades and as it gets nurtured becomes even more beautiful over time.  This is the kind of beauty that attracts others to you.

Proverbs 31:30

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
In a phase of life when experimenting with fashion, makeup and hairstyles is just SO. MUCH. FUN. 
I encourage you to remember that the most important items that you can put on  to complete any outfit is:
confidence with who you are in Christ
These are the fashion statements that will NEVER go out of  style and they always add the finishing touches to any outfit and make it just absolutely wonderful!
 The world will tell you that you need to look a certain way to be fashionable and IN STYLE, but I want to encourage you that YOUR STYLE (when accessorized with these Godly traits) will always be the most fashionable on you because its “YOU”. And, it’s bathed in the desire to please God and honor Him.
That is true beauty, my dear. And, it will out-shine everything else!
And, speakin’ of the “world”. It will want you to grow up way too fast.  It will shout many things at you through commercials, movies, magazines and advertisements. It’s voice can be very loud and very overbearing at times. It will try to make you doubt the true beauty that God has given you and calls you to. It will want to convince you that you have to look a certain way, buy a certain item, act a certain way and be a certain way to be seen as beautiful.
But….never forget what His word says:

1 Samuel 16:7

But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
My encouragement to you is to fill your mind with what your creator, your Father in heaven thinks about YOU.
Stay God’s little girl forever.

Make HIS voice the one that drowns out all the false messages of the world. It’s going to take a lot of effort because false messages are ALL around you.

But, stay in HIS WORD.
Read God’s love letter to you everyday.
Then, you will never forget that He has formed you and created you to be “wonderful“. He is your Father and His opinion is what you should always make matter the most.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (psalm 139:14)

You are created in the image of God, and God doesn’t make junk! You are SO IMPORTANT. Like a snowflake, every person is unique. No two are the same. God sees you as a masterpiece; and when you look in the mirror, He wants you to “know that full well.” Don’t get lost in trying to be like anyone else except the one and only YOU.
 Every morning when you look in the mirror, say Psalm 139:14 and smile. Soak in it.
Because that is the message of your KING….and the message that mommy and daddy want you to always remember.
We love you very much and are just so proud of you.
We think you are beautiful JUST THAT WAY YOU ARE, from the inside out, the way God MADE YOU! 
So…be YOU….always.
Your blessed mommy and daddy

1 Peter 3:3-4

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

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