"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

a little island time! So nice! (and some more videos!)

Update: She had a BM!!!! Praise the LORD!!! The adoption clinic doctor gave us some medicine for administer (it was liquid as opposed to capsule) so much easier to give her!! And, it worked a little bit!!! Thank God!

A good night’s sleep is so good, so needed and so therapeutic. We all woke up before Tahlia (who was in bed with us) and so daddy folded her in to his arms for some close- cuddle time. Right now, the only time he is able to get that close is when she is asleep….so, he takes FULL advantage! LOL
Today consisted of a trip to Shamian Island (click link for description). It was so nice to finally go there….Tahlia had to get her medical check up and visa pic done there! There were lots of tears…but, we expected it. She does NOT like doctor visits…but, that’s because she has yet to meet Dr. Glasstetter ;). He’ll change her mind about doctors!
She was poked, prodded and stretched and checked. But, she handled it so well…..She calmed down once she was put back in our arms. She now weighs 20lbs! But, the extra pound is probably because she has yet to do a #2. Poor thing. They gave us some medicine (this is liquid, not suppository)…so we are going to try that tonight to help move her little system along. Please pray for us….it won’t be fun.
After the medical, we got to walk around. It was a beautiful day. First, we hit the Starbucks….a nice treat, and Tahlia got to share some Frappe-time with Bella. We then went shopping! We found SQUEAKY SHOES!!! Oh, these shoes are so awesome!!!!! Tahlia took some steps in them at the playground and with each step, you hear a “squeak squeak”. They are pretty popular in China! They are the cutest things ever! And, since she is not yet walking a whole lot for us…they haven’t gotten annoying yet.;)
It was so refreshing to be on the island. It’s basically catered to “adopting families” and so you don’t feel like such a foreigner here…..not as many stares. LOL We got to meet other adopting families….they are everywhere here! Oh, and Tahlia did her first slide on a playground!

ok…so evidently there is a tradition where adopting parents have the “red couch” photo done at the White Swan Hotel in traditional Chinese clothing. One thing about Tahlia, is she DOES NOT like to be sat anywhere alone…even if you are just 2 steps away….she feels scared and insecure. So, you can just imagine how funny and tricky it was to try and get this “red couch” pic with just her in the pic! We tried everything. We tried the “duck behind the couch” trick….the “plop her down and quickly run back and snap a photo” trick….with no success! We were cracking up!!! It was a funny moment to try and capture the perfect photo…..which didn’t happen, but the photos tells a story indeed!

Finally, on the way home Tahlia fell asleep in the van, strapped in to her “china -car seat” aka: Sissy Isabella! They don’t use car seats in China. Tahlia does NOT like to be strapped to anything…even the highchairs at the restaurants. Oh my….the two hour drive home in her American car seat from the airport should be REAL FUN! 😉
Then, when we walked into the hotel we transferred her to daddy’s arms….again, taking advantage of her “not knowing it’s daddy’s arms” time! He got more cuddle time….it was way precious!

Tahlia day 5(first time on island)

Video of squeaky shoe action:

This is how we entertained ourselves while waiting for the doctor for her medical:

First time climbing stairs with us!

playing with toys

Isabella and daddy riding an elephant!!!!

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