It all started with a little “rough-housing ” in the family room with her siblings and daddy…..when all of a sudden Helaina’s head had a date with the “rounded” corner of the coffee table. Daddy ran for the ice and assuming it was a “bump” or a “goose-egg” was shocked to see blood pooling up on her head. Ok, the panic starts right about now. We don’t have much experience with these sorts of injuries (Helaina is the first). So, we carry her to the sink to try and clean it out and get some sort of assessment of how deep it is. There is a lot of hair and blood, so you can imagine how hard it was to see. Ok, no more trying to hold our screaming baby girl under the light and water……time to take her up the road to the ER…….. (time: 7:00pm) With her big sister there for support and to help hold a towel to her head in the car (what a great sister she is:-))
…..daddy calls from the hospital (8:00pm)… (9:00pm)… (10:00pm)…..(11:00pm)….Helaina still hasn’t been seen, except by triage.
…..very sleepy girls, very hungry girls, gross waiting room that is non-child friendly with people throwing up around them….(did I mention that daddy had no cash for a vending machine, and there is no ATM in sight…)…
…now enters a nice family who bought the girls something from the vending machine…Helaina pushes the wrong button and got Peanut M&M’s instead of regular…she hates peanuts….a long night….next appears a friendly nurse who offers the girls ice pops….ok, a little better……
……Helaina falls asleep on daddy……
****note to selves: take children to A.I. Dupont Children’s Hospital from now on!!!!*****
…..(12:00am)…..finally, Helaina is called to be seen!!!
Daddy calls mommy to tell her the news……mommy starts praying for the “stitching process to go well, and that Helaina would not be scared”….
~ANSWERED PRAYER~: Helaina sleeps through the entire stitching up of her head (all 3 stitches put in to her head with out her even realizing that it was happening!!!!) Thank you Jesus!!!!!!
What an ordeal! But, your perpective on things is always such an encouragement to me. >>I can’t believe that Helaina slept through her stitches. She must have been exhausted! >>God is so good!
Johanna,>>I can’t believe she slept through the stiches. WILD! God is so good to have answered your prayer in such an amazing way!>>I hope she is feeling better now. The ER is no fun…we have been there way too much ourselves.>>Now…can you email me your phone # and a night we can talk homeschool. I realize that a date for getting together is going to be rough in my life at this moment. I’d love to call you one ngiht this week – I just got my father’s world catalog and woudl love to talk 😉 Would that work?
Oh my! Quite a night! At least it has a happy ending. Praise God that she slept through the stitches, and even if there is a scar, you will never see it with her hair covering it. You would think kid needing stitches in her HEAD would be higher on the ER priority list. So sorry they were stuck there for so long!