"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

A LOT to be Thankful for…..

I figured I should start blogging about Thanksgiving before Christmas gets here!! The kids made some “thankful Turkies” a few days before T-day.

And for the actual dinner, we alternate grandparent’s houses every other year. This year we were at Brian’s parents’ celebrating with Grandma Pat, Papa Buddy, Aunt Amy, The newest Uncle….Uncle Derek, Uncle Jason, Aunt Shar, Tyler, Reese….and Mom-mom Tita and Pop-pop Marty and of course all the mouthwatering fixings!! (My fav being the broccoli cheese cassarole!). Grandma Pat had a special gift for each grand kid that they bought in Texas….this was nice surprise! It really was a nice, relaxing day….and a wonderful blessing to have those you love the most around you….that way you can make fun of each other all day……some things don’t change :-)….LOL!

….And traditionally every Thanksgiving (well, a few days before Tday) we are blessed to host the Stoltzfus family for the night, we really do look forward to this all year….they are such a blessing to us and just a riot to hang out with …..:-) ….we just got to find a way to make Eric a night owl like the rest of us….and it’ll be all good! :-p

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