"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

a new member of our family…..

His name is Toby and he is 12 weeks old! He is a schnoodle! (HA -HA)…yes, he is in the same “doodle” family as Lucy. But Toby is 1/2 mini poodle and 1/2 mini schnauzer. So, he wont be too small but, not nearly as big as Lucy. He will be about 10-15 lbs.

He is really cute and is already fitting in nicely! The kids are in love, and Lucy is very curious…

Toby seems to like Lucy and Lucy wants to make sure that she is still # 1! But, as you can see in the pics….the puppy is already walking all over Lucy! LOL!

He is getting used to his crate

(as I painstakingly have to listen to him whimper himself to sleep):-(….

I had forgotten how pitiful they sound….and here I thought we were done with potty training in our house! Enjoy the pics and our little “temporary moment of insanity!” Hee-hee!

0 thoughts on “a new member of our family…..

  1. He is so cute! He looks just like our cocker schnoodle (half cocker spaniel, half schnoodle). Unfortunately, the cocker half of ours causes him to shed like crazy!Enjoy him!

  2. Oh, a dog would be so fun, but I don’t know how you handle 4 kids and a dog…the thought is daunting 🙂 But my kids sure love dogs when they get to play with one. ‘course, T is allergic, so it is doubtful we’ll ever get one…He is adorable and your kids clearly love ’em already!

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