Every year Santa makes a very much anticipated stop at our neighborhood’s clubhouse and the kids go and visit with him to make sure he knows “exactly” what they want. Here is Ashton….i dont think he “gets it yet” but he certainly was interested enough to sit for a pic! Then there is Helaina., “Santa, I want a BUNNY and a Bunny!!!!” (as daddy shakes his head in the background, lol). And my Ethan just wants a “Text messenger” (toy kind of course, but he’d LOVE the real kind). Oh, and our Isabella certainly broke out the list and took this opportunity to name ANYTHING she could think of!! I guess she thought that she’s better get it all out on the table! Anyways, it was fun and the best part was the free munchkins and doughnuts (afterall that is why we really go:-). The kids had fun and it is always a fun memory!