November is National Adoption Awareness Month!
Father to the fatherless, defender of widows — this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families. Psalms 68:5-6
Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows. Isaiah 1:17
Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me. Matthew 18:5
I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me.Matthew 25:40
“We” are called to be HIS HANDS AND FEET!
today I am talking about one specific way to do that:
First…before I begin, I ask that you read these 10 surprising facts about adoption that will astound you…
now, that you see the great need….I am going to ask you a simple question:
“Have you ever considered adoption?”
Of course, your heart may right aways say: “no, we are NOT called to adopt!” or it may say, “I haven’t even ever really thought about it!”
and I get it, we remember being there….
…but, I challenge, you to pray about if God may be calling your family to this high calling.
I actually am going to plead with you to pray with an open heart….
and, He may say no. He may say that He has you doing something else to radically love the orphan!
here’s the thing: I am NOT one of those people who believe adoption is for EVERYONE.
But,with that said, I do believe it’s for A LOT more people than who are actually doing it.
You wanna hear something crazy..a crazy and humbling truth…Well, many of us initially step out doing this whole scary and wonderful “adoption thing” thinking:
“We can love “one more!”
“wow, I get to really help a child, we get the opportunity to make a difference for ONE!!!”
“we get to be used by GOD!”
BUT….in reality….do you know what!!??
(as wonderful as all of that is!)
It’s not like that at all, your focus COMPLETELY changes when they are in your arms…
…somewhere between the loads of paper work, prayer. saving money, fundraising, prayer, interviews, home study, waiting, prayer, waiting, packing, plane trip, then….
when they place your child, who was born in your heart, in your waiting and aching arms…..when your faith finally becomes site and you are able to feel the weight of their precious body against your chest, and your hearts literally, finally touch …
It. all. changes.
BECAUSE it is YOU who is being changed, wrecked, altered…for the better.
You see they need you…these waiting children, but….YOU need them EVEN MORE!
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All the Siblings together!!!!! |
Your heart opens like never before, breaks like never before.
You learn to love in a new, compassionate and powerful way.
Before we stepped out on this journey, I NEVER could have imagined how much adopting would change our hearts, especially my kids’ hearts…
we will NEVER be the same.
And, I don’t ever want to go back to how it was. We can’t.
Our eyes have been opened. We are forever wrecked for “the least of these”
David Platt put it so profoundly when he said:
Its a beautiful thing…YES MESSY and BROKEN….BUT SO BEAUTIFUL….
(it’s not all fairies and rainbows)
Please, you seriously owe it to yourselves to at least pray with an open heart if this is something that may be in God’s plans for your family.
I wouldn’t want you to miss such an incredible calling and blessing!
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Look what love can do… |
And, in case you want to know more…..
I wanted this post to be about “how to get started” if you are considering adopting.
First, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
I would LOVE LOVE to discuss this and share resources and pray! It’s obviously one of my favorite subjects!
Next, you should consider and pray if you want to do “domestic, international, foster-care, young children, older children, sibling group?
Special Needs adoption?
Yeah…I know, just those questions alone can send anyone into panic of anxiety! I get it!
Here are some resources if you are interested in adopting from foster-care:
- The Adoption Guide
- Creating a Family – 25 Factors to Consider When Adopting from the United States
There is tons of info to guide you!!
And another favorite site is: THE ADOPTION JOURNEY WEBSITEand We are Grafted In is a wonderful supportive resource for all adoptive families!These two sites are SERIOUSLY my favorites in guiding a new family!Also, If you are considering Special Needs adoptions, then you will want to visit this site: No Hands But Ours. it is extremely helpful with navigating the world of Special Needs Adoptions, especially China adoptions. It will serve to educate and equip you!Of course no resource is better than a REAL LIVE PERSON! So, again…please feel free to contact me with any questions!! If I don’t have the answer, than I will certainly direct you to who does! :)We remember being in your shoes..and ALMOST being scared off because the whole process intimidated us SO very much! But, thank GOD for good friends who had previously walked the journey who could hold our hands and calm our hearts and pray over us!!Pray with an open heart….you may find that God wants to break and change your heart and your family’s heart in an incredible, new, amazing and radical way!
“I always questioned if I was called to adopt and then realized no child was called to be an orphan.”
~David Platt