This year, as I set off for my ladies’ retreat ( a much anticipated and needed retreat), I put Brian in charge of ONE thing! I did not care if the house was cleaned, or even if the kids got three square meals, nope! All I cared about was that those 4 blocks of wood with wheels would be painted, and decorated by the time I got home! Well, in enters Papa Buddy (ARTISTIC papa Buddy). Pappa Buddy came over that Saturday to help the kiddies brainstorm ideas with Brian and to get out the brushes and start their elaborate creations (all while I retreat-ed at Sandy Cove) :)!!
Each year the kids pick out their design. They do this with such enthusiasm and hopes to have the fastest car! Then, the brainstorming begins: What color? What theme? What decorations? How will my car stand out? How will it be different from last year, how will it be better?
We had such a great time watching the cars race, though none of our kids placed this year, they were excited to see their beloved cars in action! It was a fun day with friends, and lots of anticipation and cheering!
Thanks to some help from Papa Buddy, here are the finished products being featured on “race day”!