AS IF our hearts couldn’t take any more beautiful reminders of God’s faithfulness, and the reminders that HE’S got us, HE’S got our beautiful and precious Gianna Lilyfaith……
well, we get another incredible glimpse into HIS WORKINGS, HIS behind the scenes miracles that we are  just getting the privilege to see now, on the other side of our TRUST FALL/ FAITH JUMP!
Let me first start by sharing that Harmony (Gianna’s Foster Home) contacted me and asked if they could share the link to our blog on their FB page. I was honored they asked and gave them my “absolutely YES!!!” …..I was excited for more people to get to see HOW VERY BIG GOD IS through our story!
Well….. today….It was very grey, blah… kinda Monday….just our normal homeschooling  (late out of bed, still in PJ’s) kinda morning. When, I got an email……I about fell over. It was another confirmation, another GOD THREAD!
I read it to my kids, we all cried. It overwhelmed us with such joy.
I asked permission from the sender (my new faithful friend) to share this because it is an INCREDIBLE testimony to the awesomeness of God. ONLY GOD could orchestrate something so amazing! She had seen our blog and our announcement that we were “Lily’s Family”…..
from my new friend and sister in Christ,
Wow I have just been bawling reading about how God brought you to adopt Lily! We have been sponsering her and I have been writing the director for months about Lily. THe directors name at Harmomy Outreach in China is also Lily! 🙂 Well I have a doll that we got in the mail from China when we sponsered her and pictures. I would love to send them to you!  …… I also have past pictures that the director Lily sent me over the last few months! I have just loved and wanted to adopt Lily but God showed us that we were just to pray and ask God to provide her with a Christian family! I am SO SO excited today and so Encouraged how God answers prayer!!! wow your family is just beauitful and Love all of the verses that you posted on who God brought you to adopt her! My husband preached yesterday on Gideon and that story is amazing how God used the least of the least to do big things for God! WE have also read the book Radical and that is how God brought us to adopt our 2 boys from Ethiopia and many other God moments!
 One who has hiv. I will attach a family picture of our family.  Well God is so amazing! What a way to start my monday morning! Thank you for saying yes to God and little precious Lily! I have cried over her and loved her greatly!!! I am beyond excited that you will be bringing her home soon I pray!!!!  God BLess….
later she wrote (in our awesome correspondence to each other):  I am super excited!!!! Well Lily wrote me in the last couple of weeks and asked me to pray for your family to say yes.. I of course had no idea who you were but prayed! Then Lily sent me an email saying you said yes! I was overjoyed! Lily (the director of the Foster Home) is overjoyed that your Gianna has a family and wow God provided a family that loves Jesus so much!  This whole thing has blessed my heart and I pray soon we can sponsor another little child from Harmony! All of the glory only goes to God!  Like Gideon God used the least of these who trust God.  I pray He continues to use our family to help one more orphan find a family. We are weak but God is strong! Hugs to you! …..
WOW…..JUST WOW……I am speechless. Well…almost! Of course, I just can’t NOT shout from the ROOFTOPS HOW incredible our GOD IS!!
Our beautiful and faithful Prayer Warrior family!
That He would call this special and precious family to love our Gianna like their own, to pray her into our family, to support and sponsor her….to be HER PRAYER WARRIORS! That is love. But, even more amazing than that, that HE WOULD REVEAL THIS TO US, that we’d get to see it!!!! That we would get the gift of a special friend, a beautiful family who we are now connected to forever!
I AM SO GRATEFUL for this precious family. Â I am thankful that they carried her in their hearts, love her as a daughter, hurt for her, Â had compassion for her, probably lost many a night’s sleep for her.Â
You see, my friends…..they allowed their hearts TO LOVE and break for her and pray fervently for her, Â for the least of these…for an orphan, like she was their very own daughter.
“the prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective!”
What testimony to the POWER OF PRAYER!!!
God used this precious family in a mighty way to open our eyes to our daughter. SEE HOW GOD WORKS??!!
By putting their hearts out there….they got to be an incredible, and HUGE part of the miracle in Gianna’s life, and in our lives. They got to see God work BIG TIME! We all did!
that is a gift!
We are in awe. We are so grateful.
 It took risk and it took opening their hearts.Â
Now….here’s my humble PLEA, our invitation to you.
…now that you got to see how important it is in the life of an orphan to have an army of prayer warriors behind them….and just how it changed our Gianna’s life….her future family’s life….
I am asking a favor from all of you who are reading this…..I am asking you to have the opportunity to partake in some MAJOR FUTURE JOY parties!
Please consider going to my advocacy blog, and please take some time to pray over these sweet faces that desperately need a hope.Â
ALLOW YOUR HEARTS TO BREAK as does our Father’s Heart. These children ARE HIS SONS AND DAUGHTERS!
Who will be Jesus to them? We are called to to be Jesus to them….to be HIS HANDS AND FEET.
It starts with PRAYER!
Your prayers, when said with a broken and contrite spirit for these children, are so effective!Â
I have seen it happen with so many of my snowdrops! Linny…Anna….Ming…the list goes on!
Oh the joy we felt and experienced upon learning they had a family is indescribable!!!!
Let GOD prayerfully show you which child He wants to place on your family’s heart…..He already knows who’s miracle He wants you to partake in…. (isn’t that so cool?)
He wants to give you some major JOY PARTIES TOO!
When you know who it is (and you’ll know)…. place this sweet child’s face on your refrigerator, dwell on them, ponder them…..feel for them. pray together as a family for this child…..
and, certainly God may not be calling “YOU” to adopt that child……because not everyone is called to adopt.Â
But, we are all called to do “something”
… EVERY ONE’S “somethings” PUT TOGETHER makes for a BIGGER MIRACLE!
Don’t underestimate the great power of prayer!
God is inviting you to be a part of a their stories…their lives.
He is inviting you to GET UNCOMFORTABLE…. To wreck you a little bit!
…to feel their pain and sadness
maybe you will lose sleep praying for that child…..but, I promise that a joy will come in the morning like no other!
Maybe you will allow your hearts to break for this child. Allow yourself to feel for them. To be affected by their plights.
and to ultimately feel their CELEBRATION when their HOPE COMES! Oh, You will celebrate…you whole family will feel a joy like no other!!
Maybe you will find that you can Love this child like your own, better yet like GOD LOVES THEM…..then pray with that kind of LOVE.
Because those kind of prayers are EFFECTIVE prayers. Â Broken and loving hearts produce powerful prayers.
And, just wait and see what He can do with your open heart. He may ask you to sponsor or advocate for that child yourself….but, it all starts with an open heart…..
ask the hard questions. Ask the Father what your role is in this special child’s life.
…. because THEY ARE SO WORTH IT.
What’s even more beautiful is partaking in this calling as a “family”…..and watching GOD work in this child’s life through your precious family! It builds compassion…It builds Faith.Â
Look at what my beautiful new friend and her sweet family got to SEE and be a part of by loving dear Gianna like their own daughter and sister. They got to see GOD…We got to see GOD through their story! We got to have a BIG OL’ JOY PARTY TOGETHER!
It’s too BIG to even comprehend my friends….but…wow, that we even get the invitation to partake?!! Fathom that? That we get to be a part of that child’s miracle!
It’s an incredible journey….
These children are our FATHER’S HEART!
There’s no other place I’d rather be….but near HIS HEART!
Will you come with me and accept my invitation? What a blessing it could be for your family!
“Defend the Cause of the Fatherless” (Is. 1:17)
One of my favorite songs…….these lyrics sum it up well!
2 thoughts on “Another GLIMPSE into HIS heart, and a plea from ours!”
How wonderfully amazing!!! God is sooooo good!! And Amen!! Just take one photo and pray – pray for that child, pray that God show us what role we are to play in that child's life – some times a prayer warrior, some times a financial sponsor, some times God asks us to take a huge leap and become momma and daddy to that child! Be HIS hands and feet!
Tears!!!!! So so amazing!!!!! Love y'all's heart. Love the challenge. I want to guest post you on my blog. 🙂 I hope we get to travel together!!!!
How wonderfully amazing!!! God is sooooo good!! And Amen!! Just take one photo and pray – pray for that child, pray that God show us what role we are to play in that child's life – some times a prayer warrior, some times a financial sponsor, some times God asks us to take a huge leap and become momma and daddy to that child! Be HIS hands and feet!
Tears!!!!! So so amazing!!!!! Love y'all's heart. Love the challenge. I want to guest post you on my blog. 🙂 I hope we get to travel together!!!!