The answer to that question is: YES! But, you already knew that, right! 😉
See, it’s not about “us” and our capabilities, dreams and hopes and what we “think we can handle”….
Its about Him, His commands and His “lost sheep” and what HE did for us!
I ask myself the “Am I crazy?” question all the time when I sit down and consider the unpredictable road of adoption that we are officially embarking on. However, I seem to always get the same answer whispered in my ear each time by my Loving and gracious Father: “it’s called FAITH: it’s not about you, it’s about ME”
and I think of this famous quote:
“Attempt something so impossible that unless God is in it, it’s doomed to failure.”
It’s not that we feel “able”. In fact we feel very inadequate in so so many ways. But, one thing I know for sure is GOD IS ABLE if we will just step out in blind faith and follow the simple command that He has written on my family’s heart :
“Go and Rescue!”
He did it for us! He came down, GOD CAME DOWN to earth and rescued us a sinful people! Think about this for a moment friends, because I know for me this truth can become so lost in everyday life and I can just take it for granted…but, if you just stop for a moment and consider that God took a people who were enslaved to sin, freed them from their debt, and adopted them into His family. If you let your heart meditate on this amazing truth, it can blow your socks off and change your life!! See, this is the only way a person can have eternal life. They cannot earn it or buy it. It comes from being adopted by God. A person is adopted and becomes part of God’s family when that person hears the Gospel, repents of his or her sins, and trusts in Christ alone for righteousness. Believers have been adopted by God’s grace through faith.
WE ARE ADOPTED when we accept Jesus as our Savior! Jesus spared his life for us, he died for us.
We want to adopt because it was done for us. We were adopted through the COSTLY price of His death. Love saved us! We now go out with that same Love that has been so clearly demonstrated for us knowing “in faith” that our child is across the world waiting for us to rescue her. He made us members of His family.
In the bible it says:
“For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have
received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father! (Rom 8:12
It won’t be simple, it won’t be easy, it won’t be all warm fuzzies….it will be hard, costly, complex, emotional, tiring and heart-wrenching at times. But, we serve a BIG God who before the beginning of time has chosen this special little girl to be our daughter just as He chose Isabella, Ethan, Helaina and Ashton to be our children. It doesn’t matter the method or road by which they come to our family, what matters is that they are just that “our children” a blessing from God. He will pave the way.
There are 140 million orphans in this world that don’t get to have a mommy or daddy to tuck them in at night, tell them stories, share memories with, remember birthdays, sing to, cuddle with and pray over and give unconditional love to….they are broken, they were rejected, they were left, they are orphaned.
We are not able to “fix them” and the brokenness that they could carry with them that is defined by how they came to be an orphan. And, we can’t ignore that sadness that our daughter could experience by this reality. But we are able to love her radically. We will spend our lives pointing this special child to eternity, to her heavenly Father who will never leave or forsake her, the only One who can fill the holes of her heart that will be left from knowing she was once an orphan.
Through her family, she will know what its like to be protected, nurtured, cared for, cuddled with, read to, sung to, hugged, kissed on, rocked, taught, and unconditionally loved.
(I know I sound like a broken record) but there are 140 million orphaned children in this world. We can’t change the world….but with God’s power and help we can change the world for one.
Now, here is where you can help: we NEED YOUR HELP! We can NOT do this alone. We need you to pray for us. To pray for the baby girl who is waiting…waiting for us to come rescue her. Pray that doors fly open, hurdles fall away and the finances are provided. That God would order the steps of the vision He’s laid on our hearts to carry out His commands:
“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.”
James 1:27
This command looks different for many families, for our family I am so blessed to be able to say that, “YES WE ARE GOING TO ADOPT!! We are going to GET our DAUGHTER and BRING HER HOME!”
We are not able, but HE IS!
What exciting news! You are NOT crazy, in fact, you are in the safest place you can be…..following God's will. I will pray for you.