THANK YOU FOR PRAYING HIM HOME!!!!!!Hudson's been home 10 days!!!!!I cant believe it!He's truly wonderful.... and it's amazing how beautifully God is just grafting him right in to his new family... I am not good with keeping the blog updated because I use Instagram now to document our family's journey! You can find us @stopforflowers user... Continue Reading →
Hudson ir ours FOREVER!!! Precious treasure!
.....our son walking Into his "forever." A miraculous moment. I'm a tearful mess knowing he's OURS. He was very sad at first 😢 then he got distracted by his backpack with toys they brought him, the boys gave him some gadgets and he was soothed by daddy 😍😍.HE'S SO BRAVE.They called us when they were in the van! His voice... Continue Reading →
BUY YOUR SUPERMAN was ADOPTED Tshirts HERE!! (our last miracle fundraiser!)
THEY ARE BAAAAAACK!!! for a limited TIME and this is the LAST time we will be selling these popular Tshirts!!! We are SO EXCITED to see how GOD uses this, our last fundraiser, to provide the way to go get our son in just 4-5 weeks!!!We are asking that everyone who reads this considers buying at least... Continue Reading →
Morning Glory
this verse......(One month ponderings)....Gianna has been home for a whole month ...after an 8 week battle, and a brush with death, and experiencing miracles ....we celebrate one month now with no crisis......honestly, we feel often like we walk on eggshells...or a ticking time bomb is in our midst.'s a daily struggle to surrender fears... Continue Reading →
LOA LOA LOA LOA LOA!!! (will you help us?)
God answered our prayers!!! Hudson will be coming home in about 2 months!!!!! We got LOA!!! Travel will be in about 8-10 weeks!!!!! Praying we get those HEARTS OF HOPE all filled!!!Please consider sponsoring a HEART OF HOPE to help us bring our boy home!It takes a VILLAGE to bring HOPE!!
prayer request and PRAISE!!!
Prayer request and HEART praise!!!!!Prayer request :Ok, we are on day 50 of our LOA wait, if we don't get it today or tomorrow then there will be a long delay because the whole Chinese Government shuts down for many many days for Chinese New Year. So we are on our knees praying for LOA... Continue Reading →
HOPE filled so far! (will you help?)
WE HAVE 16 HEARTS OF HOPE filled so far!! Can you please sponsor a heart to help bring our son home and also to help support LITTLE HEARTS MEDICAL!!Simply email me which heart you would like to claim and you can paypal your gift (using friends and family option) TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
200 hearts for HOPE fundraiser
In honor of CHD awareness month and to help us bring home our son from China, we are holding a 200 hearts Fundraiser!10% of proceeds raised from this fundraiser will go towards Little Hearts Medical. LHM is an organization that is near and dear to our hearts since we have two heart kiddies from China.... Continue Reading →
Gia update!!!
Had to drag this cutie- little lady out in below freezing Temps to get her INR tested this morning. She was brave (in a loud way ) wink emoticon for her "pinchies" and I'm thankful to say she's holding steady at 2.2 and does not need to return till next Friday for another "ouchie-pinchie!!!!" Yay!! Praise God!!!... Continue Reading →
belated celebration
Written the night we came home from the hospital!The kids had been so excited to finally celebrate Gia-Bia at home and give her her surprise fishies, and as soon as we walked in the door last night, she got her Happy birthday celebration. (A combined new years, sweet 16, 4yo birthday and coming home belated... Continue Reading →