"Gianna's heart looks beautiful, she's a survivor " (-Gia's cardiologist at her post-op this morning )***never have there been more amazing or truer words that we've been so thankful to hear***THANK YOU JESUS, THANK YOU PRAYER ARMY, tears of joy!!!!!!!MERRY CHRISTMAS! !!!!!
Much overdue update…..
this is overdueI have found it very hard to find a moment to sit down to write all my thoughts, praises, thanksgivings, updates, prayer requests, etc.....Part of the reason is that there is just no time.....we are trying to soak up the little bit of ADVENT that we were given.....almost 4 weeks was kinda just... Continue Reading →
How far she’s come!!!
This before and after shot takes my breath away and makes me cry....1)Gianna 4 weeks ago (the night I took her to the ER).... pre-miracle😢2)Gianna ** today**.....post miracle😍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤"YOU are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples. (Psalm 77:14) HE IS ABLE AND MIGHTY TO SAVE!Today was filled with lots of... Continue Reading →
He is able
Today's major PRAISE!!!! Just 4 weeks ago my daughter was in full heart failure. .....today her heart beats like a drum with a brand new mechanical valve. Gianna's post-op echo showed near perfect heart pressures and a strong heart squeeze. An answer to so many prayers....Thank you Prayer army....and here's the precious heart that you've... Continue Reading →
Answered prayers
(6 days post-op)answered prayers! !!!!! We made it (by the skin of our teeth) to the other side of what felt like an impassable mountain. ...we are so relieved to be out of cicu!!!!! .we are on floor!!!!! Praising God.....we see the light! !!!! Now we just have to get her INR levels stabilized and... Continue Reading →
Prayer requests
Poor Gia was not a fan of her sponge bath or nurse last night AT. ALL. ..... she's basically had the same pitiful sad expression all day.)...hard day for my warrior Praying joy returns soon. ..... (she's so darn cute though) We did manage a brief smile when she got to video-chat her fan-club at... Continue Reading →
Extubated! !
EXTUBATED!!!!! Thank you Jesus! !! 12:30 (post op day 2) Very hard...my girl can fight! !!! #warrior. ......but praise God. Its out!!!!!. Lungs are strong. She was already crying and screaming for water as soon as she got extubated. Then she finally fell asleep....please pray she miraculously sleeps in peace for next 4 hours so... Continue Reading →
Gia AND Hudson news
Gianna "and" Hudson news. 9pm (post-op day 1) I so wanted My next post to be about her being extubated, (sigh). But we were told that extubation is being delayed till tomorrow. Gianna had a tough day battling a fever and what was later to be discovered as a beginning infection that was starting to... Continue Reading →
Post op (day one )
Missing daddy today :(Post-op day 1: She had to get a blood transfusion last night and we are still dealing with a fever, but it did come down some. ...Thank God. They are still planning for extubation today, so could be a big day...and a hard day, experience tells me that the first extubated days... Continue Reading →
11:45pm So.....Gianna has been kept on the cooling blanket up till a couple hours ago and they are watching her closely to see if her fever spikes again. Praying for a no fever night so she can have a BIG day tomorrow moving forward! she is heavily sedated tonight as the goal is to let... Continue Reading →