"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Post-op Prayer request

we are with our baby 😍😍😙😙😙Gianna is doing well...even started to wake and move a little!! ..planning to post a more thorough update later, but for now we have a prayer request!!! she spiked a high fever 😣😣,  which is not uncommon for post-op...so she is now on paralytuc and the cooling blanket.  So pray!!!... Continue Reading →

4pm: miracle post

4pm: Here's the gifted surgeon, Dr. Emani, who you've been storming the gates of heaven for God to work through!!!! He is a gift!!! Gianna is stable and coming up to CICU and we will get to see her in about 45 min!!! We are processing everything and will share details soon about her prognosis, ... Continue Reading →

11:45 am update

11:40 am : Ou precious Gianna is now on bypass.  Please pray for absolute protection over her.   We can't even begin to put into words how amazed and comforted we are to see how God has literally raised up an army  for our princess.  We are humbled and so grateful that you all are tangibly... Continue Reading →


A veey sedated Gianna was just rolled back to her miracle room 😢 with daddy by her side.  Please pray for wisdom for her surgeon,  there are multiple valve types they will attempt to fit into her tiny ventricle. Pray for her protection and for success and for God's power to be displayed in that... Continue Reading →

Our prayer

❤❤PRAYING IN FAITH OVER OUR GIA, BELIEVING FOR MIRACLES! ❤❤ " The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (Ex 14:14) "Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us," (eph 3:20) "You are... Continue Reading →


***Calling all prayer warriors!!***Specific prayer request for tomorrow's long and complicated open heart surgery :1) Gianna goes into the surgical holding room for her calming sedative at 6am, pray for peace for her2) she will go back to the OR at 7ish, and they will begin prepping her, pray for the anesthesia team, and all... Continue Reading →

Grace for today

Today has been soooo good for all of us. So therapeutic and just a chance to exhale and take a deep breath after two weeks of high level stress. Besides two echos  (one she completely screamed thru, lol ) and a very traumatic bandage change of her PICC line (for which her dose of sedative... Continue Reading →

Surgical plans

Update: Just met w dr. Marx, Gianna's cardiologist.  The preliminary plan Monday  is to replace her failing  mitral valve,. ....the prayer is to be able to fit a "mechanical" valve in there as opposed to the tissue kind, which is what she currently has.  It seems Gianna's heart does not agree w a tissue valve. ... Continue Reading →

Our Angels

Feeling emotional.  😢😢 Here are the Amazing Angels God provided to finally get us to Boston Children's Hospital. We are currently in ER triage awaiting to get to her room...she's already being prepped for her surgery (thru labs and xrays) which is scheduled for Monday. I'm so so grateful for how they cared for Gianna... Continue Reading →

Angel flights to the Rescue

Prayer warriors, Huge huge praise!!!!! After many failed transport arrangement attempts this week from CHOP, we were so discouraged and ready to fly her there ourselves today. Well,  After reading a message early this morning from our dear friend Meredith R Segal with the idea to contact Angel medic flights I started at 6 am... Continue Reading →

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