The sun is finally out....and,.It's been confirmed, we are being flown to Boston this afternoon. PRAISE GOD. Please pray for peace for Gianna, I can tell she's anxious :(. She just keeps saying she wants to go HOME. :(. So, I've been telling her that we have to go visit another doctor so they can... Continue Reading →
Pray hard
Love this pic from yesterday's sibling invasion 💜💜. Gia had a hard night last night. They had to up her already aggressive diuretics plan because she was starting to hold more fluid again. She was woken up so many times to pee it off when all she wanted to do was sleep. Ugh. In my... Continue Reading →
In limbo
The weather matched our moods today ...rainy and dark 🙁 (still no bed available in Boston CICU) but this awesome crew of siblings brought some much needed sunshine🌞 to our room! Keep praying a bed opens up, it's very hard to wait in Limbo knowing the battle that's ahead for our warrior. .praying tomorrow brings... Continue Reading →
CHOP has done an amazing job stabilizing Gianna and getting her stronger for transport and surgery in Boston (thru, IV lasix, heart squeeze meds and electrolytes ). Such an answer to prayer. I just wish we could bring her home now 😢 But, her heart is failing and needs open heart surgery. Today, I go... Continue Reading →
I'm thankful my daughter is still alive, and fighting and once again being given a new gift of HOPE thru an impending surgery that we pray will heal her broken heart and restore her. She is a gift beyond compare that we did nothing to deserve, all God's grace. I'm thankful for her siblings, my... Continue Reading →
Gianna update
Coloring is hard work for a princess......💗💗Sweet Gia is tuckered out most of the time while they are getting fluid off her body through iv lasix. Though her face is still puffy, her body has lost a lot of the fluid, thank God. She's currently on a "heart squeeze " medication and electrolytes. Today pray... Continue Reading →
Need Prayer!
..Ok.....we are still processing everything. so I'm gonna keep this short and share details later. Gianna is in heart failure. Cath showed that she needs heart surgery. Doctors all feel Boston needs to do it.. they are all in agreement and confident in the plan forward. Gianna and I will get flown to Boston from... Continue Reading →
The journey of her Wish trip!
I kept an instagram journal of Gianna's Wish trip! We are so in awe of how Make a Wish dazzled our family this past week.....and brought a little girl's Wish to life!!! It was beautiful to witness her dreams come true....we are forever grateful to MAW foundation for how they brought so much JOY to... Continue Reading →
Last chance to order!! NEW INVENTORY ADDED!!
Friday is the very last day to get your Superman was adopted Hoodies, Tshirts and long sleeve shirts! I just added two new adult colors in hoodies! You can get adult hoodies in Royal, pink and Navy! I also added long sleeve options, and ladies fit long sleeve options!! Also, Youth hoodies available to match... Continue Reading →
Dreams coming true..and GRACE for today…
Last weekend, Gianna's precious wish-granters flooded our hearts and home with a celebration and party (complete with cake and decorations) to share all the details about her special wish......It was overwhelmingly beautiful and special!We celebrated but we had a bit of worry in our hearts as to whether the doctor would clear her a few days... Continue Reading →