"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1


 Best Buds For Life!

 I am SO glad they have each other
 The rougher they are with each other….the happier they seem to be.
This is what they do….each afternoon….football in hands, tumbling over each other like monkeys…getting more grass stains then I can ever count or clean…being boys

  and…..purely lovin’ on each other (in a brotherly kinda way)
…..so happy they have each other!

Thank you God for brothers, especially during football season! 😉

2 thoughts on “BBFL

  1. This rough things that boys do, I really don't get it. EXCEPT that I do get it when I see it. This is how they bond and say I love you and luv on each other! It's so wonderful… in a Y chromosome way.
    nancy-of the crazy 9

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