WE ARE SO EXCITED about this newest invitation to be a part of Gianna’s story!
***5/2/14 UPDATE: We are now at 381 pieces officially sponsored!!!!****
3/5/14….another NEW UPDATE below!!
A jigsaw puzzle is such a tangible reminder of God’s Big Plans, His big picture and our need for faith.
He promises to us that it will come together…but sometimes all we see is a messed up puzzle with lots of pieces all mixed up that don’t make any sense at all…..and the feeling like it will NEVER be one whole complete picture, just a promise from God to lean on for each step and piece of this crazy journey.
Yet, we have to trust that HE will make it happen, He will bring the pieces together and HE will bring it to pass.
(Luke 1:45)
And, we would like to invite you to help be a part of this awesome adventure! To help bring Gianna home in a specific and special way.
We are getting closer in this journey to our baby girl, and to help with the exorbitant costs ($35,000), we are kicking off our “Be a Piece of the Puzzle Fundraiser!”
Actually, by contributing to this fundraiser, you will not only be helping our daughter but also be helping many other orphans from her orphanage. Proceeds raised will go directly towards the required “Orphanage donation fee” ($5,000) that is to be paid when we travel to get Gianna. The orphanage donation goes to the orphanage that Gianna is from in Shanxi, China.
The most awesome part about this fundraiser is that when you sponsor a piece or piece(s), your name will be written on the back, and a message or scripture reference of your choice can also be added if you so desire ( I can write very small).
When the puzzle is completely sponsored and each of the 500 pieces is spoken for, we will assemble the whole puzzle and frame it in a double sided glass frame to be displayed in her room.
This will serve as a tangible reminder of the many prayers, encouragements, and friends and family who loved her and helped to make this miracle happen in her life….A reminder of How GOD works and how He brings His promises to pass.
So, we are inviting you to be a part of the village with us!
It may seem like a small way to help (in the grand scheme of things), but many small acts of love can add up to a very HUGE miracle!
And to US, its a huge act of sacrifice, your gift, and we don’t take it lightly.
As we have said before, it really does take a village to bring hope to an orphan.
SO here’s the details:
**Sponsor one or MORE pieces and help us complete the BIG picture to bringing Gianna Lilyfaith home…
… if you feel led to help us in this special way then please click the “donate Paypal” button below, or the button on the top right side of blog and donate the specific amount that you would like to donate
($10 for one piece, $20 for two, $30 for three..etc…)
buy one or as many pieces as you would like and add your message to the paypal transaction or email me at cannelongofamily@yahoo.com and let us know so we can add your name and whatever else you’d like us to add to the back of YOUR piece or pieces.
You can also mail a check or personally donate (for our local friends)…
We will be posting updates to our blog to document the progress as we see God bring the puzzle together with love from all of you!
UPDATE so far…….
Here is some example of the love that has been showered on our girl!
as of March 4, 2014:
PRAISE GOD WITH US!!!! Due to an unexpected HUGE blessing and donation! WE REACHED and EXCEEDED OUR FIRST GOAL of 150 sponsored pieces!! We are at 193 sponsored pieces! WOW!!!! So…to celebrate here is Gianna’s updated photo!!! ahhh, my heart is bursting! SHE IS SO PRECIOUS!! We love her so much! We just want her home! Please pray about sponsoring a puzzle piece(s) to help raise $$ for her required $5000 orphanage donation! When we get to 1/2 raised, 250 pieces, to celebrate we will share an adorable video of our daughter that a sweet traveling family got for us!
SERIOUSLY BLESSED by the love that is being extended to our daughter who is thousands of miles away! God is so big!!! Let’s just say that we have reached and exceeded our first GOAL of 150 pieces… GOD IS MOVING IN THE VILLAGE for this precious child of GOD who is SO VERY loved!!!
we are NOW AT 193 pieces sponsored for Gianna’s puzzle!!!!