Here are 7 reasons why we are choosing thankfulness in a hard month as we remember a special Gianna -anniversary and as we grieve for our baby girl.
As many of you may know, this month is the anniversary of traveling to China as a family and finally being able to embrace our GiaBia 6 years ago! May is her Gotcha day month and we are filled with deep pain to not be able to hug our sweet and sassy girl on her most special day. It is pain that has no translation, only groans of deep sorrow.
I hope that you will take some time to read her story here and here….. of the miraculous way God chased our hearts down with the most beautiful broken heart in all the world. The story of how God chose a completely unqualified family to receive the most incredible treasure in all the world. The story of how our hearts were wrecked and remade by a God who taught us how to walk in HOPE and courage and to not be afraid of a broken heart.

It doesn’t surprise me that Jesus and Gianna would choose the month of May to bless our broken hearts with the balm of all this good news.
I hope you will Read and share this post because there is so much goodness that must not be kept quiet, thanks be to God!
1.We are so excited to announce that, because of generous donors and the awesome T-shirt fundraiser, 3 families received grants, in various amounts, from @LiveGiaGrowForeverFoundation to help bring their child home. We are so thankful that Gianna’s miracles continue to grow and bloom! We look forward to sharing their stories from these families so we can all come alongside them and pray for them! Stay tuned as we share more soon! We wanted so desperately to help every family who applied and it is our desire and prayer to be able to do this one day! Thank you to all who applied for Gia’s grant, and please know that we have prayed for each family by name and consider it such an honor that you would share your story and allow us the honor to see your miracles of faith. We stand with you in Hope and love and will continue to pray for you and trust God to provide for you as you run to your child!

**We will be relaunching our Tshirt campaign in June to start building the fund for our January grant! Stay tuned!
2.Also, we are so excited to announce that the Live Gia Grow Forever Foundation was able to make a donation in the sum of $1000 to to help care for Special needs orphans in China. This is such a blessing for us as Lily is our Gianna’s foster mama and her care home is very special to us and saving lives each day. What an honor to be able to help support such an amazing ministry. Gianna is squealing over this blessing, we’re sure of it!

3. Such exciting news: Live Gia Grow Forever Foundation is now officially a Non-profit 501(c)(3) charity!! That means that all donations are now tax-deductible (even dated back to January)! We are so thankful for this huge milestones, after so many months of paperwork and waiting on Government approvals!
Gianna’s life grows more life, always!

This news came with both sorrow and joy for us… We miss her so much and wish she was here and that the story was different and we wish we were planning gotcha day celebrations with her instead of managing her memorial fund.
But we know that, even in our deepest ache, her miracles continue on and HOPE keeps shining through her! We know God is using all this brokenness to bring beauty and love and we don’t want to miss the miracles.
We love you, GiaBia…this is for you, sweet baby girl…. as we know God’s stories are never done!
We miss you so so so much!
We are still in the process of changing our donation button on our website to re-route to the appropriate account and get our facebook page button working… so, please let us know if you want to make a donation while we are in this restructuring transition! We will be getting a POBox as well for anyone who would like to send checks. Thank you for your patience as we navigate all this new territory of being an official charity! The button on this site still works, by the way! (if that is easier!)
*** your gifts are now completely tax deductible!

4. Our goal is to fundraise over the next 6 months to be able to give out more adoption grants in January of 2021 (Gianna’s Birthday) and to make another donation to LilysHouse! Plus, we will be re-launching our T-shirt fundraiser because many have requested!
We are excited to open our store again!
5. COME JOIN OUR MISSION!!!! We have a new facebook page for our Foundation and a new Instagram page! I hope you will go follow along to both! We are also in the process of getting our page verified as a Non-profit page so we can accept donations through those sites as well.

6. Finally! A HUGE HUGE HUG and THANK YOU to YOU! Our family is so grateful for your support! We are merely a vehicle for your gifts, and for Gianna’s love and light and legacy and God’s blessing of miracles!
It is our desire and prayer to always steward this mission with great care and great counsel. This foundation was birthed from great love, but also from great pain and deep sorrow. We do not take this responsibility or calling lightly. It is our greatest priority to handle all gifts and all support with the highest regard for truth, prayer and integrity. This is God’s work and we are just so humbled to be used as a vehicle of hope and of your love pouring forth to others who need it. We are learning this new territory of “non-profit” as we move forward in this mission and we are so thankful that God has entrusted us to bear witness to yet another way that our baby girl’s miracles continue on forever.
Thank you to all our supporters and prayer warriors for helping us honor our daughter’s life and for coming alongside us to grow HOPE and love and light for orphans in honor of our beautiful brave Giana Lilyfaith. She is remembered forever! Her miracles grow on!
7. We remember the miracles.
Please take a minute and read our story here about how this Foundation was born…. and how one little girl is changing the world with her huge heart, her forever life of brave and her bold love and light! Her miracles grow on forever and her legacy of light shines to the ends of the earth! Thank your, Jesus, for the gift of Gianna Lilyfaith.
Come follow all Gianna’s miracles here:
LGGFF Facebook page
To read the story of how our Foundation was born, click here
To Read Gianna’s story: click here
