Wow, how can it be that the little girl that I stared at thru this very computer screen for so long and prayed over her photos and ached to hold one day was just walking around and giggling in our family room today with all of us?
The little one who we prayed on our knees for so long was just rocked in my arms tonight and is NOW upstairs sleeping in our bed.
IT IS UNREAL!!!!! WOW…look what GOD HAS DONE!!!! A true MIRACLE! AND, He has done it through the many prayers of His saints!
Thank you, THANK YOU for praying her home. You were part of this miracle!
She is a gift from above! I still can’t believe she is ours, what a treasure!
The little one who we prayed on our knees for so long was just rocked in my arms tonight and is NOW upstairs sleeping in our bed.
IT IS UNREAL!!!!! WOW…look what GOD HAS DONE!!!! A true MIRACLE! AND, He has done it through the many prayers of His saints!
Thank you, THANK YOU for praying her home. You were part of this miracle!
She is a gift from above! I still can’t believe she is ours, what a treasure!
It is so good to say we are all home! And, What a special homecoming it was! My heart was overflowin’ with love to finally get to embrace my mom and dad and sister and best friend and nieces and nephews who we missed SO much!!! IT WAS SO GOOD! We were so excited to introduce them to our GIanna! My heart is So full with God’s goodness! ahhhhh, So thankful!
On the flight home:
 on way, in the van….here we go…HOME!
 JETLAG!!!!! ack! 😉
 First ride in the carseat!
 all ready having fun playing with siblings!