"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

HIS second touch…

I often talk about miracles when I talk about my Gianna!  Her life was full and brimming over with many mighty miracles that were not explainable by human explanations.  We got  front row seats to GOD'S incredible power and we held those miracles in our hands.  Oh, how I miss squishing on my beautiful sweet... Continue Reading →

5 months

You are nowhere but you are everywhere..... We have to look for you with new eyes and a new faith that is hard to hold on to most days. We miss you so much our hearts literally hurt.  Our Precious beautiful brave and sassy Gia-Bia. My feet hit the floor each morning with a new... Continue Reading →

4 months.

4 months. 4 months of absolute Earth shattering pain and soul -crushing anguish. It’s a new heartbreak with every new day and with every experience. The season change is especially hard now without our baby. So many tears Gianna should be opening her new school supplies too and gearing up for "first grade" homeschool.  ... Continue Reading →

God wrestlers are welcome….

The smile is real. But a smile is a battle. A victory. When I smile there’s a wrestling behind those eyes. It’s a battle for the heart to take courage and believe the promises that my mind knows are true. It’s a “clinging to truth”. A pressing into my heavenly daddy’s heart which I trust... Continue Reading →

Three months….

Gianna Lilyfaith , it's been three months of "broken" for us. How can that be???? Three months of lamenting to our Jesus. Three months of an empty hole. Three months since we had to tearfully kiss you goodbye and all our hearts tragically crushed together in a storm of devastation, yet yours ....your broken heart... Continue Reading →

Love notes to heaven and back….

Love notes to heaven.... There's always a butterfly in Gianna's garden.     Always light. Always color. Always beauty. Always fairies. Always birds.         Always something magical and heavenly happening.   We know she's close.   We know Jesus is close.   We feel heaven touch us on that anointed ground. We... Continue Reading →

Ink instead of Italy

20 years ago we started our journey of forever together and we also started dreaming together. We started dreaming about our 20th year anniversary. Dreaming together of touring beautiful Italy and visiting Brian's roots and his Italian heritage. Never mind the whole money factor, we just enjoyed dreaming BIG together. God's dreams are bigger. We... Continue Reading →

The hard surrender to Summer

Spring is the last season my Gianna walked this earth. I feel like today I stand on a bridge that I am being forced to cross. When I turn around, I see that early season of Spring with her so alive. Those cold days when we felt warmer days would never come. We chased joy,... Continue Reading →

Gianna’s miracle. Her story goes on….

(originally written April 2018) We are now camping out in the place where the deepest of heartbreak collides with a supernatural hope. The LORD promises to draw near to the broken hearted. And here we are....utterly broken...and experiencing that reality so tangibly. He’s so close. We’re hurting so deep. We’re in the wilderness, and even... Continue Reading →

Blog developed and designed by Ethan Cannelongo