"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

HOPE filled so far! (will you help?)

WE HAVE 16 HEARTS OF HOPE filled so far!! Can you please sponsor a heart to help bring our son home and also to help support LITTLE HEARTS MEDICAL!!Simply email me cannelongofamily@yahoo.com which heart you would like to claim and you can paypal your gift (using friends and family option) TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

200 hearts for HOPE fundraiser

In honor of CHD awareness month and to help us bring home our son from China, we are holding a 200 hearts Fundraiser!10% of proceeds raised from this fundraiser will go towards Little Hearts Medical. LHM is an organization that is near and dear to our hearts since we have two heart kiddies from China.... Continue Reading →

Gia update!!!

Had to drag this cutie- little lady out in below freezing Temps to get her INR tested this morning. She was brave (in a loud way ) wink emoticon for her "pinchies" and I'm thankful to say she's holding steady at 2.2 and does not need to return till next Friday for another "ouchie-pinchie!!!!" Yay!! Praise God!!!... Continue Reading →

belated celebration

Written the night we came home from the hospital!The kids had been so excited to finally celebrate Gia-Bia at home and give her her surprise fishies, and as soon as we walked in the door last night, she got her Happy birthday celebration. (A combined new years, sweet 16, 4yo birthday and coming home belated... Continue Reading →

answer to prayer, miracles!!!

****update written last night @9pm****our prayers are powerful and effective, 8 hours ago we were told that she appears to be going into kidney failure, and now they say her kidneys look ok!!!!! THAT IS A MIRACLE!!! The doc said that the new blood results showed a .5 from the .8 this morning. Though it was... Continue Reading →

urgent prayer request….

BEGGING FOR GOD's MERCY AND MIRACLES ONCE AGAINUrgent prayer request...The doctor came in and asked to speak to us. She said that the discharge lab results are possibly showing markers for kidney failure. They are getting a urine sample, echo, and ultrasound .Gianna's kidney level has been .2 the whole time and now shows .8... Continue Reading →

keep praying

We are still in the hospital and having a heck of a time getting Gianna's blood thinning levels to a therapeutiuc place. PLEASE PRAY! Every morning they check, and its been discouraging to be told we can't go home every morning! We are praying to go home tomorrow!SHE STILL SMILES> SHE IS MY HERO

update…..baby steps

Written last night:Tonight was the first night we were ALL together as a family (with no one missing) since that horrid new years eve day over a week ago..... I'm so thankful that scary day and terrible week are behind us....I'm so grateful for this precious brave family of mine.Daddy and I switched and Ethan... Continue Reading →


UPDATE: Doc just came to share amazing news!!! Thank YOU Jesus for working, yet again, thru your prayer warriors!!!!! Her brain bleed is showing improvement with todays scan and they are seeing signs of healing! !!!!!! Oh how my heart needed to hear those words!!! I'm so thankful! 😢So, they will be starting her back on... Continue Reading →

Blog developed and designed by Ethan Cannelongo