Gianna got a very special surprise package in the mail from some very special new friends. For those that don't know, this past early spring (to our complete surprise) Gianna was referred to "Make a Wish" by her doctors and granted her very own wish! This spring, we had a visit in our home from... Continue Reading →
a TESTIMONY to HIS GREATNESS!!!!!! He is mighty to save (video-journal)
In honor of Gianna's First Gotcha day anniversary....we want to share this.This Video-journal was a labor of love (thanks to my son, Ethan who helped me). It documents Gianna's adoption and her miraculous first year with us. We saw GOD move mountains through prayer and faith in those 365+ days. HE IS SO BIG....this video... Continue Reading →
Gotcha Day anniversary
One year ago.....It was Memorial Day here in America, but it was GOTCHA Forever day in China for our Gianna...This was my blog post from that precious day. I wrote these words when my heart was overwhelmed. I wanted to document the moments when ours and Gianna's worlds changed forever. ..."Today, a dear precious woman,... Continue Reading →
One year ago, getting ready. …
One year ago today we were clinging to faith in the One who called us out of the boat as we got ready to board a plane. My heart still races as I reflect on my emotions of one year ago. How I desperately just ached to hold her in my that ache just... Continue Reading →
We have reason to celebrate! We are 6 months "POST-MIRACLE TRIPLE Operation Heart Reconstruction!" We got a great 6 month report from her Cardiologist that her heart is agreeing with her new bi-vent circulation and the prosthetic valves are doing what they are suppose to be doing! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!! One concern that GIanna faces (being that she has... Continue Reading →
Heterotaxy Awareness Day
My heterotaxy hero. Honoring her mighty fighting spirit on Heterotaxy Syndrome Awareness Day. " God is within her, she will not fall" (Psalm 46:5)
My birthday gift
5 hours, xrays, echo, tests, blood, electrophysiologists, ekg....ALL WORTH IT to hear these words from her cardiologists:"No change, her heart could not look any better!..she has a very happy heart!!" Tears of joy!! My birthday is tomorrow and THAT is all I wanted!! Praising Jesus for His GIFT!! Let's celebrate.....Milkshake time!!!Rock that brave scar!#heartstrong #goGia
3 months! !!!!!!
Today marks this little sunshine's 3 month anniversary since getting her miraculous heart reconstruction surgery ....three months to ponder the Miracle of a heart made new. Thank you Jesus for your mighty works!! We love this spunky girl so much! Such JOY!!!!!And to celebrate this milestone , sweet Gianna has to get a full heart... Continue Reading →
Not just a picture on the wall….
Our "updated" family canvas finally came in.:)You see, This is not just another picture on the wall....I hung it up right away!Seriously, I ripped it open and BAM, on the wall it went!It represents so much. A visible reminder ...a sobering reminder.I love seeing all my babies in our laps!! Our 6 precious treasures. ..... Continue Reading →
When words fail me….
I look at this joyful strong spirit and I am literally in disbelief about all she's been through to get to this side of the mountain. Was it all a dream?? Did it even happen? Honestly, I just can't process it all. Did she really just have 3 open heart surgeries just under 2 months... Continue Reading →