"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

another possible surgery…..

Last night was incredibly hard.The kids and daddy and grandma left.......Lots of tears.I miss them already...so much.,...So thankful for this time together.What a blessing to get to spend time with family,God knew I would need that filling up for the road ahead. My heart was so full being with them....and seeing them care and love... Continue Reading →

7 days POST-miracle OP!

Gianna is holding well, and progressing beautifully! THANK YOU JESUS!One concern is that her white count is up, slight fever last night and so they sent out some cultures to check for infectionSo the plans for today for our strong girl are a little more radical....after a few days of a holding pattern, they are... Continue Reading →

6 days post-op (BIG steps ahead)

So I am learning to surrender to the fact that this road to healing may be long and will have certainly have bumps along the way.I think God is teaching and training me to cling to HIM through the storm and to hold tight to the anchorto be still and patient.....which is incredibly hard since... Continue Reading →

36 hours post miracle surgery…UPDATE

I have been thinking a lot about the word HOPE  in the past few days. This miraculous surgery has given our Gianna Lilyfaith a NEW HOPE for her future.We were eating breakfast this morning just after hearing the assessment from the cardiologist doing rounds and I was feeling a bit discouraged, and down seeing the... Continue Reading →


She made it through!!!! They were able to do a FULL repair!!!!!! Praise God. It's a miracle because the coronary artery that was going to present a huge problem did not end up being a problem at all thanks to you're mighty prayers!!!However they could not stop a stubborn leaky Mitral valve after two attempts (hence the... Continue Reading →

tomorrow is miracle day for Gia!

As I held and rocked an upset Gianna today (after she awoke from her hospital procedure)...instead of feeling the usual sadness and depression for what she has to go through.....I felt a new wave of fresh gratefulness. Of course, not grateful for the battle she is facing, but so grateful that she doesn't walk it... Continue Reading →

preparing for more miracles (updates)…

I will definitely update for prayer requests.. Most info will go on our private FB page which you can PM me to ask to be added to)Thank you!A couple weeks ago we had the amazing opportunity to meet John Bently (founder of Harmony House) where Gia was fostered and nursed back to health. Harmony House saved her life... Continue Reading →

PLEASE PRAY…..(Gianna’s surgery decisions)

To say this decision process has been an emotionally draining roller coaster would be an understatement.However, from the moment we heard the news from Boston….we both knew where God was directing us. We were excited one moment, scared the next.But we took time seeking earnestly.After researching and weighing all the risks both short term and... Continue Reading →

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