"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

state of “aftershock”

This is going to be a quick post with no pics....simply because I don't have much time or energy for blogging lately....I am hoping to get back to it sometime soon, to miraculously carve some time away to get some awesome memories, some chaotic thoughts and sweet photos documented....because I really miss it (thank God... Continue Reading →

Foster sisters and BFF’s “reunited”

My Heart could not contain the joy I felt today. To hug a dear family, who is forever united with our family  through the gift of two sassy and beloved girls and the wonderful Foster Home that cared for them.can't wait till the day all these precious sisters are reunited!!!!!To see these two precious friends... Continue Reading →

the unrest inside…..

I feel stuck.My heart feels in anguish so much of the timeI want to run to them.....shout for them...YES, go get them.I feel paralyzed, gripped with a disturbance and unrest.Smothered daily with an ache to do more.Why, because our hearts are not fully here, we left our hearts somewhere else.Sometimes I draw within myself and... Continue Reading →

A Miracle!! (news from doctor)

Yesterday, Brian and I celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary! I am so thankful that we have Gianna home with us on this special day. To reflect back on the last 16 years and to see where God has us now just humbles us and encourages us to keep seeking GOD'S plans for our own lives and... Continue Reading →

first day in Guangzhou, China

 Safely tucked in at the hotel in GZ! Longgggg day. Everyone is exhausted. Had many room reservation issues that wore us out. Just so Glad to be here and looking forward to meeting up with our huge agency travel group at breakfast! Gotta share these pics. Can't believe the last time we stood in this... Continue Reading →

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