We've been in Shanxi for 5 days and it's been awesome to get to see some authentic China, in the valley of the mountains....and to take the time to get familiar with Gianna's birth province.Leaving is bitter sweet for my momma heart.To think that we are just hours away from her birth family gives me... Continue Reading →
Officially ADOPTED!
We had a good nights sleep. Gianna fell asleep on daddy's chest and when we woke up, we found these two treasures between us.She sucks her fingers!! so cute!Went to the civil affairs office and completed the official adoption paperwork! Gianna is officially a CanneLongo!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!! here are some pics from part of today! She... Continue Reading →
SHE IS OURS….forever and ever!
Today, a dear precious woman, who we have come to love with all our hearts, handed us one of her treasures.Gianna Lilyfaith is now ours forever. My heart can't even express in words the gratefulness I feel for being chose by the Lord to be Gianna's parents.How special it was for Lily (her foster mom,... Continue Reading →
in China!!! (Journey to Gianna)
We are safely here in China!!! It was a long travel but God got us here!! woohoo!!(sorry, not many pics yet because internet is so spotty, I will add  many more later when we get to our next hotel!)Getting off the airplane, my first thought was "THANK YOU JESUS, YOU GOT US HERE!!!!"It is still... Continue Reading →
(our itinerary)…off to the airport!
In just one hour our shuttle will be here to take us on the Journey to China to receive our daughter. What a miracle! I am just so excited and nervous all rolled into one!!Yes, I should be sleeping! But I am trying to just enjoy what will be my only quiet moments for the... Continue Reading →
leaving for CHINA in ONE day!!! (details and prayer requests)
Wow, I am in awe.Shock and awe...and a little bit of panic and anxiety thrown in too! ;)But, Look what God has done. When we first ventured out on this journey, I couldn't imagine standing at this point just days away from holding our daughter.I can't believe we head to the airport in just 24... Continue Reading →
our hearts are bursting out of our chests!!!
5 days!!!!YES, we leave in just 5 days to embrace our Gianna Lilyfaith FINALLY!!!Our hearts are bursting and we are completely excited to travel as a family to scoop her up!Yes, as a FAMILY!call us crazy....we are crazy! we will be the first to admit it, but when God says something: you do it!God revealed... Continue Reading →
you are invited!!! its going to be a PARTY!!
YA'll !!!!!!!!!!!We are less than a month from leaving for China to bring home our daughter! We are currently awaiting our Travel Approval! CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW CLOSE WE ARE!! God has been so faithful!!!! You can still be a HUGE part of our daughter's story! To celebrate our daughter coming home....to celebrate a GOD who chooses to do... Continue Reading →
Happy Birthday to our li’l Lamb!
The name, Tahlia means "little lamb" in Hebrew. Her name is so fitting.She was born right around Easter and she is as dainty, quiet and sweet as a little lambie! And, let's not forget utterly PRECIOUS!!I am so thankful to be celebrating her life. I am thankful to be the ones God chose to NOT miss... Continue Reading →
hard copy LOA!! what IS next?
YES....on  4/2/14 ...We officially had our LOA (Letter of Approval) from China In our hands! We had waited all morning for our FedEx truck and when he finally came, we nearly knocked him over (well, Ashy did) to get our LOA! He seemed to know we were excited and was excited with us!People, let me tell... Continue Reading →