"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

He moves mountains!!!

It was Sunday night and I was on my knees praying that God would move our "dossier" into the "reviewed" stage, which is what needs to happen before you can get Letter of Approval (LOA).Every stage of paperwork in this journey is just is so exhausting and draining, but usually has with it an expected... Continue Reading →


One year ago today, a beautiful little warrior girl, who had already endured so much, was able to finally be carried out of the hospital.After a two month battle with a deadly bacterial infection....She was healed.This ravaging infection threatened to take over her delicate tiny body.But she survived. God had other plans.His plans were to... Continue Reading →

my strong brave girl is 11…

I am finally able to sit down and write about my dear Laylay's 11th birthday. This one is specifically special because not only were we celebrating her turning another year older,  but we were also celebrating the end of a VERY hard year.Helaina has physically been through so much this year with broken bones and... Continue Reading →

Every GOOD and Perfect GIFT……

You know what has been a gift from above?How 'bout witnessing the beautiful miracle of the village of family and friends coming together to help bring a little girl, with a complicated heart defect, home to her VERY ANXIOUS forever family, so she can get the care she needs!?We love her so much!We are humbled... Continue Reading →

“be a piece of the puzzle”

WE ARE SO EXCITED about this newest invitation to be a part of Gianna's story!***5/2/14 UPDATE: We are now at 381 pieces officially sponsored!!!!****update: SEE PROGRESS BELOW!! 3/5/14....another NEW UPDATE below!!A jigsaw puzzle is such a tangible reminder of God's Big Plans, His big picture and our need for faith.He promises to us that it will... Continue Reading →

Our word for 2014

One word keeps coming to mind when we think about what God is doing in our lives and what is needed from us.....TRUSTand Proverbs 3:5,6 plays over and over in my mind when I start to get weary......Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways acknowledge... Continue Reading →

Blog developed and designed by Ethan Cannelongo