Every year for the past decade we've been traditionally ringing in the new year with our nearest and dearest best friends.It seems fitting to start each new year together....it's just what makes it special.These friends are the REAL DEAL. They've walked the hard stuff with us, and we've walked the hard stuff with them. We've... Continue Reading →
Celebrating her 14th, and why this one was “extra” special…..
It's REALLY hard to write this post. My tears are flowin' like a river! YES...I am THAT totally mushy momma...how can I not be??!! My baby is 14!!!!!SAY IT ISNT SO!!!This birthday is extra precious because her daddy has been planning something for his oldest little girl since she was 12.He knew this was the... Continue Reading →
reflecting back…(perspective is sobering, but so is HIS GRACE)
So, I can't let that New Year ball drop and leave 2013 without taking a moment to reflect on what God did for us this year.....Basically, HE woke us up from our slumber....He showed us many great and sobering things in HIS Word We are struck and humbled by HIS GRACE.....here were were, trucking along and... Continue Reading →
Top Christmas moments! (JOY JOY JOY!!!)
SINGING Happy Birthday To Jesus on Christmas Eve! Switching Sibling Secret Santa gifts and unwrapping Christmas Pj'sGianna got Tolly this cute purse!!!The kids waiting at the top of the stairs and coming down to their package piles and "eaten cookies"!!!  Finding baby Jesus in the manger, listening to the Christmas story read by daddy.... Isabella giving us a... Continue Reading →
“AT A GLANCE” (latest family photo journal!!)
Well, its been a crazy start to winter, and not too much time left for bloggin'. BOO! I hate that! There is just so much stuff in this head that I want to get out onto these pages, and...well, I just would rather live it right now then to write it. But, wish I had... Continue Reading →
I get to be…
1. I get to be his wife2. I get to be their momma3. I get to adopt her and be her momma4. I get to call them my friends5. I get to be their daughter6. I get to be a part of that family7. I get to call her my sister8. I get to be... Continue Reading →
AUCTION closed!!! winners were chosen by random.org and posted in the widgets below each bundle! THANK YOU to all who entered, thank you for being the "village" and being a part of bringing our baby girl home! We are so grateful! And, a HUGE thanks goes to all my friends who donated these AMAZING prizes!!!... Continue Reading →
Celebrating Orphan Sunday and our video testimony
In YOU the orphan finds HOPE! (Hosea 14:3) It was so wonderful to be able to celebrate Orphan Sunday with my church family this past Sunday!!! It was also a very special day because we got to officially launch our Orphan Care Ministry :"His Children"we had available many resources for families to take to learn about adoption, sponsoring,... Continue Reading →
All about “adoption” & how to get started….
November is National Adoption Awareness Month!GOD's WORD IS CLEAR....He has called US to Defend the Fatherless...In you the orphan finds mercy. Hosea 14:3You are the helper of the fatherless. LORD, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear, To do justice to the fatherless... Continue Reading →
Another GLIMPSE into HIS heart, and a plea from ours!
AS IF our hearts couldn't take any more beautiful reminders of God's faithfulness, and the reminders that HE'S got us, HE'S got our beautiful and precious Gianna Lilyfaith......well, we get another incredible glimpse into HIS WORKINGS, HIS behind the scenes miracles that we are  just getting the privilege to see now, on the other side of... Continue Reading →