"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Best ROAD TRIP EVER (part 1)

FIRST STOP: Pigeon Forge, Tennessee!!!!The whole idea of this amazing Road Trip came from one MAILED "invite": I can't even begin to explain in words just HOW much this amazing ministry means to us.  But I wrote about it some time ago!SHOW HOPE assisted us with an amazing financial grant to bring home our daughter. And,... Continue Reading →

Celebrating YOU, our sweet son!!!

 YOU ARE eight!You were just in my arms, all pink skinned, wrinkly and squishy and so perfectly new and gorgeous in every way..........oh we thanked God for you, our awaited for 4th baby! YOU are a gift.We couldn't wait till your brother and sisters met you! Oh, how they would swoon!And, they did....we all did.And,... Continue Reading →


They have such a playful relationship.When Helaina came home with a cast weeks ago, Tolly wanted a cast too! So, Helaina made her one out of Streamers and Toilet paper! It looks so real! Tolly, in her own way of showing compassion for her big sister, limped around with Helaina that night! I just love... Continue Reading →

Blog developed and designed by Ethan Cannelongo