Don't ya just love what a good "makeover" does for ya...body, mind and spirit??!!Well, It's the same feeling when your blog gets a new "look" too!I am just so thrilled!!Finally, what was in my head is now on my blog!!! With the help of an awesome blog designer, at Raspberry Road Design and her "affordable"... Continue Reading →
Sunday snapshot
Sunday snapshot.....BATH TIME GIGGLES!aka: BIGGEST smile ever! OH my JOY!
Youth Basketball Kick-off! (it’s a family affair!)
Another Winter Sports season is upon us!Youth Basketball! Hours of my hubby's hard work in planning teams, finding coaches, preparing concessions, and forming teams and schedules comes to fruition.He does an amazing job. He has a strong passion and gift for Sports Ministry.He desires to see families come through the doors of the church through... Continue Reading →
Celebrating her 13th!!!
We've had SO MUCH fun celebrating Isabella's 13th birthday this past week! I can't believe she is OFFICIALLY a teenager!!!OH MY!!So many thoughts overwhelm me when I think of how much my beautiful girl has grown up and matured over these fast 13 years.13 years old??How can that be?? How could she have gone from this,... Continue Reading →
a letter to my daughter….(happy 13th my beautiful Isabella)
  Today is a very special day.I could have never pictured this monumental day in my mind when I carried around you, my chubby cheeked, dimpled legged, curly blonde haired, blue eyed, beautiful baby girl on my hip. All I knew was that you were OUR DREAM COME TRUE! You made my life-long dream of becoming a... Continue Reading →
Most memorable moments of 2012….(the good and not so good)
Oh BOY!WHAT. A. YEAR 2012 was!Seriously, this year has been overflowing with moments.....good and not so good.Both took our breath away.Both left us speechless.Many were Tahlia's first moments. And, we got to experience the awe and wonder of these surreal moments in a new and fresh and beautiful perspective....through her eyes! All moments revealed the... Continue Reading →
A Special Christmas indeed…..
One of my favorite memories as a child was sitting at the top of the steps waiting in much excitement and anticipation with my siblings while my parents "scoped out" what they had worked on ALL NIGHT...exactly what Santa had done for us...and, OH the anticipation of RUNNING DOWN THOSE STEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Â and finding the EVIDENCE... Continue Reading →
It’s the MOST wonderful season of all…..
This really is the most wonderful time of the year.....and this year was especially Wonderful, in every sense of the word.It was our first "advent" with our Tolly-pop!and ....Oh, the wonder that her eyes beheld....She soaked in every. last. drop.I love that about her....I love how she notices each and every detail of the "wonderful"... Continue Reading →
SNOWY FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh the wonder of it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Snow and smiles.....nothing better!  Of course snow and puppies is quite adorable too!!! Fun with daddy!!!!  Making snowballs with big brother!!!! "Look at my snowball, mommy!!!""Here, E!!! Here's my snowball!!" They make a great team!WOW!!!!!!!!!!  Not much words needed for this post......The smiles and joy in their faces are... Continue Reading →
girly memories and special dates (part 2: daddy/daughter dance)
It shouldn't be any surprise to know that the role of a daddy in a daughter's life carries the weight of the world.This sacred, irreplaceble relationship impacts every facet of that little girl's life.... This special and important relationship, in huge part, defines who they are, who they are becoming and who they want to... Continue Reading →