"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Celebrating her 13th!!!

We've had SO MUCH fun celebrating Isabella's 13th birthday this past week! I can't believe she is OFFICIALLY a teenager!!!OH MY!!So many thoughts overwhelm me when I think of how much my beautiful girl has grown up and matured over these fast 13 years.13 years old??How can that be?? How could she have gone from this.....to this,... Continue Reading →

A Special Christmas indeed…..

One of my favorite memories as a child was sitting at the top of the steps waiting in much excitement and anticipation with my siblings while my parents "scoped out" what they had worked on ALL NIGHT...exactly what Santa had done for us...and, OH the anticipation of RUNNING DOWN THOSE STEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  and finding the EVIDENCE... Continue Reading →

It’s the MOST wonderful season of all…..

This really is the most wonderful time of the year.....and this year was especially Wonderful, in every sense of the word.It was our first "advent" with our Tolly-pop!and ....Oh, the wonder that her eyes beheld....She soaked in every. last. drop.I love that about her....I love how she notices each and every detail of the "wonderful"... Continue Reading →

SNOWY FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh the wonder of it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Snow and smiles.....nothing better!  Of course snow and puppies is quite adorable too!!! Fun with daddy!!!!  Making snowballs with big brother!!!! "Look at my snowball, mommy!!!""Here, E!!! Here's my snowball!!" They make a great team!WOW!!!!!!!!!!  Not much words needed for this post......The smiles and joy  in their faces are... Continue Reading →

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