This morning in church was very special. A group of beautiful children (including our wiggle worm,Tahlia, who our E is holding) stood up on stage and represented one of the biggest miracles of all: The miracle of adoption.They represented the Father's Love. The children read some sobering statistics in regards to the plight of the orphan, and... Continue Reading →
a letter to me…. on those hard days, when I want to hide under the covers.
 I am writing a letter to myself.Because....sometimes in the midst of the hard hard the midst of foggy moments. Sometimes I will fantasize about 8 long, tranquil, quiet hours to myself.I will think about a cup of tea that only needs to be warmed up once in the microwave because I get to drink it... Continue Reading →
Orphan Sunday. The Miracle of HOPE
It was just 2 weeks before we were headed to China to finally hold our little girl in our arms.She was waiting.Yet, we were still unsure where the rest of the needed funds would come from to travel, and complete the last steps of the process.But, GOD KNEW. The mail came.We received a gift. We... Continue Reading →
Our first Fall as a family of 7!
This time last year we were waiting, yearning and aching for our baby girl to finally come home. We were so close and with the weather turning colder and the holidays finally approaching, it was a beautiful reminder of how much closer we actually were!Now, here we are. The leaves are changing colors, the apples... Continue Reading →
10 months! (our adoption journey, part 1)
Happy 10 months home sweet Tahlia Xiuhanna!... and to celebrate you I am going to re-share our adoption story to reveal the mighty ways the Lord moved mountains to get us to you!In the summer of 2009 the Lord whispered (out of nowhere) in my earHIS WORDS: "You will adopt someday,...your family is not yet complete ... Continue Reading →
DISNEY!!!!!!!!! (the biggest trip ever deserves the biggest photo POST ever!!)
The real downer was.......coming home. It really stinks to have to leave such a magical and storybook place. We really had such a wonderful and memorable time there.It was so lovely to just leave all the cares of "reality" behind and just be transported to this awesome and unbelievable location that truly took our breaths away.We... Continue Reading →
9 Months home…(SLLOOOWWW down my baby!!!)
She can climb the rock wall!So much growth in just nine months. We are always saying that it's like she's gone from a newborn to a little preschooler in less than a year (as I sniff and hold back my tears). What's in that Pediasure, anyways???SLOOOOOOOW down sweet one!!!! This little girly girl acts like... Continue Reading →
2 years ago today…..
It was two years ago today, a very brave and desperate Chinese momma (and possibly baba), had to surrender and and say goodbye to her sweet daughter, her baby girl.... a baby girl who was nurtured, cared for and loved for over 5 months and then (because of many unfair, wrong and desperate circumstances) was... Continue Reading →
 Best Buds For Life! I am SO glad they have each other The rougher they are with each other....the happier they seem to be. This is what they do....each in hands, tumbling over each other like monkeys...getting more grass stains then I can ever count or clean...being boys and.....purely lovin' on each other (in a brotherly... Continue Reading →
A quiet toddler…..
Usually means there is a mess close by........and a little "occupied" toddler whose found a treasure!A tasty treasure, at that! Got ya!YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!