"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

“…involve me and I learn….”

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” ~Ben Franklin The past couple weeks we've been diving into ancient history via "Mystery of History", and we are trying to bring it to life with some fun activities to help us remember. Table time has always been my favorite part of... Continue Reading →

Homeschooling…”then, and now” (WOW)

HOMESCHOOLING YEAR 2012-2013They each designed a cover for their portfolio bindersWOW, is this REALLY our 9th year officially homeschooling?? It's unbelievable. I officially started Isabella at home when she was just 4 (well technically since she was born) LOL!We were both so excited about the journey. It was My Father's World Kindergarten Curriculum that made... Continue Reading →

when 5 seems like a lot!

It isn't often that I say that 5 kids is a LOT of kids. I really don't consider us a crazy large family. When I think of large I think....8,9,10 kids, well......no....  REALLY, I just think of the Duggars 😉 (someday I will write a post about how much I adore the Duggars).However,....there are sobering... Continue Reading →

Happy Birthday my sweet EB!

Ethan Brian, your heart is one of the BIGGEST I know! I can't believe I GET to be YOUR mom and watch you grow and mature even more each year! I love your sensitive and gentle spirit, and I love how you love others.  You have such a servant's heart, you are always wanting to... Continue Reading →

TIME…..a precious treasure

This past week has been all about re-focusing my time and priorities.....Priorities that have been displaced.You know what I'm talking about...those precious things that are easily snuffed out and pushed aside (  sleep, exercise, Bible devotion, hubby time, play-time with kids, homeschool planning, reading to the kids, organizing, cleaning, mommy-ing, journaling...aka: blogging) because of the... Continue Reading →

Surprise: REVEALED!!!!!

So, I mentioned in my last post that Brian and I have been cooking up a surprise for the kids for the past few months. It's taken that long to see if all the conditions would prayerfully fall into place (re-financing, Brian's job news, interest rates...etc).  It's been a top secret mission that we have... Continue Reading →

a video. a reflection. a plea.

This girl. Her laugh is infectious. Her smile lights up the room. Her strength, courage and bravery humbles us. I can't imagine life without her. What if we had missed the whisper of God? He whispered in my ear in July 2009, telling me that we'd be adopting a baby girl. Though, at that time... Continue Reading →

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