"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

We got our daughter!!!!!!

We are standing in the middle of a miracle....PRAISE THE LORD!!! She is ours forever! We are so grateful....thank you for your prayers, we feel each and every one!!Our day started with an early 4 am wake-up.....yeah, we were excited!!! We then had breakfast, went to the bank and got LOTS of money (orphanage donation)....it... Continue Reading →

STRESS!!!!! But, we are here…Thank GOD!

What started as a fairly uneventful, and lovely early morning with a buffet breakfast, interactions with new fellow-adopting friends, nice ride to the airport...turned quite stressful once we hit the airport!! We believe God is constantly reminding us that He is in control and we are ever-reliant on His power and faithfulness to get us... Continue Reading →


and JET LAG IS KICKING OUR BUTTS!!!!! Here are some pics and below is a post that I wrote on the plane.Our guide picked us up at the airport and drove us to our hotel. It is SOOOO Cold here!!! Our room is nice, its a corner room....13th floor! LOL...great view. We are zombies....Isabella and... Continue Reading →

itinerary and prayer requests!

Update: thank you for your prayers for health. We all fell like dominoes in the course of 4 days, but, thank God, we are all now well!!!! The antibiotics did their job, and God answered our prayers.Wow, I can not believe the day has come. We get to go get our daughter in China and... Continue Reading →

Blog developed and designed by Ethan Cannelongo