"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Urgent prayer request!

Please pray for us!!!Every crucial step in our adoption has always been preceded by an attack of some sort.....Well, it's here....this is the grand finale....days before we go get our daughter .....Ready for this: Helaina has strep throat and kidney infection, Ethan has a high fever with headaches, and I cant even stand up, fever... Continue Reading →

VIDEOS and 6 pics!!!!!!!!!!

Is it Christmas morning? Because, we just received a most wonderful gift! 6 photos and 2 videos!!! I am bursting with love as I see my daughter on video for the first time. I just don't have the right words to express our joy.....except to say, we have fallen in love with her all over... Continue Reading →

her room….

Tahlia officially has a room....uhhh...I mean, a "corner" (of big sissy's room) to call her own! ummm, pay no attention to the missing drawer knob, completely fogot about that! 🙂 In just two weeks she will no longer lay her head down in her orphan's bed. She will be our daughter. We will bring her... Continue Reading →

WE GOT OUR MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE ARE FREAKING OUT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE LORD HAS WORKED THROUGH THE PRAYERS OF HIS PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!He answered our prayers for a Thanksgiving/Christmas miracle!!!! We just got MOST WONDERFUL NEWS!!! We will be leaving on December 7th and be home onDECEMBER 23RD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We got our miracle to be home together as a family by Christmas! Thank you for your... Continue Reading →

Why we are so thankful……

Monday I spoke with my agency's director and got some news. She told me that after speaking with CCCWA (China Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption), they told her that the earliest they can get the TA to my agency would probably be Monday or Tuesday. The director, Tina, broke the news to me that... Continue Reading →

about her “special need”….

This morning Brian and I took all four kids with us to AI Dupont Children's hospital and sat down with the Cleft team coordinator to discuss Tahlia's future care. This was such an encouraging appt. We weren't able to get a "substitute teacher" for the kiddies to stay at home, but I am so glad... Continue Reading →

an opportunity!

Dear friends and family, In the summer of 2009 the Lord whispered (out of nowhere) in my (Johanna’s) ear HIS WORDS: "You will adopt someday, it's my plan for you to adopt, Get ready....cause, I am breaking your heart with what breaks mine." And, it was from that moment on that the Lord grew in... Continue Reading →

PRAISE!! and, a call for PRAYER!

We are getting close...so so close. If the Lord sees it fit to grant us our miracle (a TA this week or next) we could be traveling in 2-4 weeks. It's starting to hit all of us in very BIG ways.First, I MUST SHARE A PRAISE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am humbled and grateful to announce that our... Continue Reading →

Not just any sunday….

Today is a very special Sunday! It's orphan Sunday. A day to reflect on a global crisis. There are over 147 million children without a mommy and daddy. My prayer is that each of us searches our hearts to see what our role is in "defending the fatherless". It can look different for each family.....each... Continue Reading →

Blog developed and designed by Ethan Cannelongo