So, we had a FUN-TABULOUS day today gettin' our pics done at JCPenneys! I finally cashed in on my Groupon that I bought months ago! I was able to snag a $215.00 package for just $40.00!!! And, the best part was that I paid months ago, so when we were all done (and, can I... Continue Reading →
Tahlia update!! (She is getting so big!!)
We have all been drooling over these newest pics. I even walked into Bella's room late last night to tell her to PLEASE turn off her IPOD! But, then I saw what she was staring at....and, I made her scoot over and I laid down with my first born. We gazed together at the newest... Continue Reading →
So, where are we now?
Our baby girl's Visa application is in China! It takes the US Consulate in Guangzhou, China (picture below) 2 weeks to review Tahlia's visa app.(it was dropped off already), make sure it meets the qualifications for an immigrant visa, and then signs off that everything is in order for the adoption to be completed. This... Continue Reading →
Sending some handmade TLC to Tahlia and her friends!
In a few days Tahlia will receive a package from her new family!Back in last March my kids made a "build a bear" Lamb for their future baby sister, as we waited for the Lord to reveal who she was. They each put a heart in the lamb as they prayed over the heart a... Continue Reading →
a daughter’s reminder…..
So, we experienced a bit of a frustration with Immigration the beginning of this week when our "approval" was supposed to have been mailed and received by the Nat'l Visa center a week ago, and we realized it had spent days unnecessarily sitting on someone's desk.....just sitting there.....not going anywhere.So, after LOTS of phone calls,... Continue Reading →
As of October 7, 2011 our I800 approved!!!!!God is so awesome, we prayed that it would be approved last week.....and didn't get word till today that it WAS approved last week!!!! GOD IS SO faithful!WOOHOOO!!!We are so close to our girl now!! Our next step: waiting for our CABLE!what is cable, you ask??.Within 1-3 business... Continue Reading →
As you know the name, Tahlia, means little lamb in Hebrew............Well, been scoping on EBAY for cheap outfits.....came across this one.....yeah, she REALLY HAS to HAVE this!!AND....she MUST havethese SWEET tights!!!!OH SWEET JOY to be able to dress a little girl again (one who doesn't fight what to wear....not just yet!)Can't wait to bring my... Continue Reading →
I am trying to win a “baby-blessed dolly” (THEY ARE ADORABLE)
YOU HAVE to check out these precious precious dolls!!!!! OOOH, I just LOVE them! I entered to win a free one!
one year ago today….
It was one year ago today, a very brave and desperate Chinese momma had to leave her sweet daughter, the baby girl who she nurtured for over 5 months, in front of an orphanage. I can NOT imagine the sadness, the terror, the emptiness that she must have felt to have to rip her precious... Continue Reading →
Thursday night was our night to celebrate our LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE!!!It was also the night we revealed to Isabella A VERY SPECIAL SECRET SURPRISE!MERRY CHRISTMAS ISABELLA, YOU ARE COMING TO CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!