"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

GOD IS SO REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I just borrow your ears for a minute, to testify to how amazing God is. If I don't share it, I am going to explode. Last week, while going through my bible study book: Knowing and Loving the Bible (that I am doing for women's bible study at church), I was challenged to "record... Continue Reading →

How can it be???

How can it be that you love someone you haven't met?How can it be that you feel the void of someone you've never held or touched?How can one photo, of someone you haven't seen in person, bring you to tears?How can it be that you overflow for motherly instinct for someone you haven't carried in... Continue Reading →


The first day of Soccer is much more for us then just the "first day". It's basically the fruit of MONTHS of planning and hard work to get the league off and running. I can NOT begin to tell you how much I admire this man for his passion for sports, kids, and ministry. He... Continue Reading →

CHOPPED! (CanneLongo style)

Have you seen the show??? It's a good one, and we LOVE it!!! So, let me start from the beginning: alarm goes off at 7am. I push doze a dozen times because I can't even fathom waking up....it was dark out for heaven's sake! 8:45: Nope, can't do it. Make decision to take the day... Continue Reading →

Blog developed and designed by Ethan Cannelongo