"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

her FULL name! (decided. FINALLY)

Yes, there is a story here!!! 🙂 Stay with me here.... Ok, so I wrote a post months ago about why we decided to name her Tahlia (click to read if you missed it, you should probably read chapter 1 of this story before starting ch.2) hee-hee. And, we thought we had decided on her... Continue Reading →

Updated pics!!!

We received a special surprise in our inbox this afternoon, can I just say that you would have thought is was Christmas morning in this house!!! We were absolutely giddy with excitement!!! Her update says that she is about 19 lbs!! She is growing and healthy! Check out our little HAM!!!! She is certainly cheezing... Continue Reading →


THATS RIGHT FOLKS!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!We are officially "Dossier To China"!!!!It was sent off today!!!! What a relief to get that beast of a paper-packet out of our hands! Now, everything is in China's hands!!Ok Friends and family, WE NEED PRAYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!We are now awaiting LOA (yes, get used to abreviations, its how everyone in this... Continue Reading →

We GOT PA!!!!! WE GOT PA!!!!!!

....and a little sneak peak at our beautiful, sweet Tahlia. Just look at her big brothers' and sisters' smiles as they grip tightly onto her photo!! This pic was taken the night they were first told of their new sister, and saw her sweet face for the first time! A very special night....What is PA,... Continue Reading →

Professional Family Portrait/photo-shoot Giveaway!!!

we have 2 winners!!! Lynn and Amy Comment #'S 2 and 40!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Stay tuned for another exciting photographer to be revealed.....oh wait, just wait till you see her work!!! MAJOR WOW FACTOR!!!!!!!!!!COMMENTS CLOSED!!! Winner announced shortly!!!!!! So FUN!!!THANK YOU TO ALL WHO ENTERED!! We love you guys!!***NOTE: email... Continue Reading →

We KNOW who SHE is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We still can NOT believe it, we are IN SHOCK and in awe of God blessing us with our sweet baby girl!!So how did this all play out?? Well, the night of July 4th I got an email from my agency director (who is just wonderful) telling us they just received an updated agency list... Continue Reading →

A BIG THANK YOU!!! (baby bottle gifts)

And THIS is just a small fraction of the bottles filled for our daughter.....When we recieved the bottle, the money got counted and poured into our BIG BOTTLE! :)Isabella was a faithful counter.....So glad I taught her well how to count change in homeschool! ;)To all those who have donated their prayers, and their spare... Continue Reading →

Blog developed and designed by Ethan Cannelongo