"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

A little sad….

Today we came across a little girl, a sweet Chinese baby who stole our hearts the second we laid eyes on her. She had beautiful big brown eyes, and a little cleft lip. She was precious. She was on the "shared agency" list. I stopped everything to pursue her and find out more information. I... Continue Reading →

The “Starfish Story”

The Starfish Story(saw this on someone's blog today and I fell in love with it)Once upon a time, there was a wise man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work.One day, as he was walking along the... Continue Reading →

I800A SENT!!!!

A lot of friends have been asking where we are in the adoption process, and for a few weeks we were in the "WAIT" stage, where we are unable to do ANYTHING because we are "waiting" on someone else. In this situation, we were waiting for the finalization of our homestudy, and for it to... Continue Reading →

Thank you JESUS for motherhood!

This year for mother's day, I came downstairs to a pile of homemade cars still freshly smelling of wet glue. When I read these home-made cards, I was filled with joy knowing my sweeties took the special time to write precious letters, cut out cute red hearts, and draw beautiful pictures....all, to show me love...can... Continue Reading →

Is my God big enough? (pillow talk)

(laying in bed, tossing uncomfortably)Jo: "So, ya think we'll ever get a new bed...the KING bed we've always wanted (one that doesn't dip down 2 feet in the middle)?"Bri: "I hope so! But, not anytime soon with all the expenses ....ya know, tires on both cars for example, rotors for my truck .....sure hope we... Continue Reading →

and the winner is…..

Thank you so much for those that entered and left comments!! I thoroughly enjoyed reading what each of you were thankful for!Ok, I used Random.org website and entered the number 1-7I actually had 8 comments but I counted Julie's 2 comments as one. So, the number that came up on the random number generator was..............................drum... Continue Reading →


Oh today, what would appear on the outside, to an onlooker, as an ordinary day, filled at times with tears.....was, in actuality, a day filled to the brim!! NO, dare I say, overflowing with tiny gifts wrapped up in string sent from God above. He rained on me joy after joy after joy.... all because... Continue Reading →


That is a word loaded with meaning....I have been pondering that word A LOT lately. As we are trying to save money to bring our daughter home, we are on a bit of a spending freeze. No extras. We are forced to seriously weigh and challenge the choice and necessity of each and every expense.... Continue Reading →


Every call has a beginningA quiet moment when God whispers a promise to a mother’s heart A holy place where a father bows and faithfully accepts the journey set before him. A miraculous morning that unexpectedly dawns…Casting its first light on a chosen threshold. A gentle knock..a closed door opens. A sacred invitation sent by... Continue Reading →

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