"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

You Got 5 Minutes?

I LOVE the band Third Day, LOVE THEM!! This song is awesome! It not only celebrates adoption but focuses on OUR adoption as sons and daughters of the LIVING GOD!!! ENJOY and praise Jesus for dying for us and redeeming us!!!!

Annual Pinewood Derby!

This year, as I set off for my ladies' retreat ( a much anticipated and needed retreat), I put Brian in charge of ONE thing! I did not care if the house was cleaned, or even if the kids got three square meals, nope! All I cared about was that those 4 blocks of wood... Continue Reading →

First Social worker interview!!!

We are another step closer!!! I was pretty nervous....and, I didn't know what to expect. Brian wasn't nervous at all. But, on the way there a good friend texted me an important piece of advice: "Just be yourself, it will be fine" (thank you Jen!)...and it was!Well, we walked into the office and right away... Continue Reading →

One VERY special tea party….

Psalm 145:4"One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts".....So, when Grandmom Pat was cleaning out Mom-mom Tita's house, she discovered many treasures. Among these treasures were many dishes of fine bone China, a beautiful tea set with lots of beautiful patterns that would bring a smile to any girl's... Continue Reading →

8 weeks of Crazy, Chaotic, FUN!

daddy coaching +daddy runningthewhole program + set up + clean up + Ethan running the scoreboard + mommy and the girlsoverseeingthe concession stand +lots of friends +lots of committedparents and coaches (thanking God for these people) + Disneymovies in family room + airhead candy (among others) +chick-fila sandwiches +memorizingbible verses +lotsof basketballs bouncingeverywhere =7 straight... Continue Reading →

Response to “anonymous” comment

I wanted to take the time to respond to a comment that I feel was worthy of a response. I don't usually use a blog post to respond to a comment, but I appreciated this "poster" taking the time to challenge our perceived perspectives on adoption so I wanted to formally respond. I love being... Continue Reading →

Moving along! (in our first trimester) ;)

Well, exactly one month after our initial agency interview, we have officially submitted all necessary paperwork for our home study. We are just awaiting some referral letters to arrive at the agency, and have I mentioned my unending appreciation, and gratitude to those lifelong friends who took the time to write a letter for us...I... Continue Reading →

Blog developed and designed by Ethan Cannelongo