Do you ever just get amazed at how something just works out, like it was "meant to be" and you stumbled upon a plan that had been written and thought of before you ever even were aware of why it needed to be thought of, or planned in the first place?? LOL following me???... Continue Reading →
Class: Adoption 101 (disclaimer: unorganized thoughts)
So, yesterday we went to our 8 hour adoption class at our agency. This is one of the mandatory requirements for adopting our child. We even got a certificate when we were done. Another step closer!In a way, it seems silly to think that we "graduated" and are now qualified, in an educational sort of... Continue Reading →
Sunday’s Finest!
My Ethan. He's been begging us for the past 6 months to buy him a three-piece suit, just like Pop-pop's! And, why did he want one so badly???He wanted to be an usher at church!! Pop-pop is an usher, and he will be shadowing Pop-pop as he "trains." He was thrilled when Sunday finally came!!And,... Continue Reading →
the China orphan problem (through the eyes of a very special organization)
As I have been researching the plight of the orphan in China I came across this amazing group of people whose loving acts brought me to tears. Love Without Boundaries is a wonderful organization who is worthy of our support. Their mission and vision is to provide the most loving and compassionate help possible to... Continue Reading →
Our first interview….(we are “expecting”)
We are expecting!!! We are expecting God to move in BIG WAYS!! Friday Brian and I had our first agency interview and it was emotional for us (but in a good way).First, we said hello to my wonderful parents when they came over to watch and substitute teach my babies. The kids LOVE when Nana... Continue Reading →
Lord, where is she?
The first thing that Brian and I did after we officially decided to start this journey was to pray and seek God's direction as to where our baby daughter was waiting for us. And each time we would research a country and it's program, the Lord would gently keep turning our hearts back to the... Continue Reading →
“Let the little children come”
“Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” (Luke 18:15-17)It says in the bible that the kingdom of heaven belongs to little children. I... Continue Reading →
Are we crazy?
The answer to that question is: YES! But, you already knew that, right! ;)See, it's not about "us" and our capabilities, dreams and hopes and what we "think we can handle"....Its about Him, His commands and His "lost sheep" and what HE did for us!I ask myself the "Am I crazy?" question all the time... Continue Reading →
Our Christmas Present
"I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted." Job 42:2Not too sure where our video went? On Christmas morning daddy revealed that our journey was to officially begin!!! We all cried tears of joy!!
So proud of my babies….being the hands and feet of Jesus, or should I say ” painting Hands for Jesus” :-)
Children can make a difference and they are able to help!! God uses you my dear children, don't ever forget that....1 Timothy 4:12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.May God continue to... Continue Reading →