The Drain at Port Discovery OUR RAINBOWS!! Ethan's spelling with "all about spelling" curriculum Ashy building B things Isabella doing the "Sink or Float" experiment with Helaina and Ashton They made a letter B with playdough PIANO PRACTICE! Ethan is learning cursive Ashton finding letter B's Ethan hard at work! Isabella teaching Ashton Painting Suncatchers... Continue Reading →
Our 2nd week of school!
Just a fun week filled with the letter A, colors, hummingbird, cooking projects, and lots of enthusiasm....I feel blessed.
Our first week of school!!
Our New Workbox system displayed in back of those beautiful faces! (so far, the system is far!) Our first field trip to get one with nature! After all, the world is our classroom! celebrating with Friendly's breakfast! check out the fish we caught! New school supplies! We found a pair of frogs....who we fed... Continue Reading →
Isabella’s fuzzy baby
Isabella fell in love with a special bunny at the pet store and after days of begging and pleading (well, she's been asking for a bunny for months) for this specific bunny, daddy and I agreed to let her buy the bunny and let her take responsibility for the new critter. Her joy couldn't be... Continue Reading →
Our horsey field trip!!
I teach a horsemanship class at our homeschool co-op, and to round off the school year we took a long anticipated field trip to a horse barn for trail riding and hands on horse care! We had a lot of fun and everyone stayed safe!! Here's the barn that we visited! Isabella riding "Star" in... Continue Reading →
LOST: One very special silky yellow blanket
If you have seen Helaina's yellow blanket please bring it home to her, she misses it very much. Her yellow blanket probably misses her too and will most likely have trouble sleeping without her:-(. Her yellow blanket is an old faded shade of yellow, silky, thread-bare, and you can probably see through it. But, it... Continue Reading →
Homeschool bowling day!!!
What get to bowl and count it as school!! This was Ashton's, Helaina's and Ethan's first time bowling ever! It was Isabella's 3rd time. We got to go with our close friends the Zylkas and the Woodies! We had a blast! But, what was most fun was to watch our youngest ones throw the... Continue Reading →
Pinewood Derby!!
This is a fun event! Each year our church holds a Pinewood Derby Race. First, they get to pick out their car, then paint it and then put it together. Then the daddies get to oil the wheels for the big race!!! This is our third Derby year and the first year Isabella brought home... Continue Reading →
Our trip to Valley Forge!
We celebrated George Washington's Birthday at Valley Forge and learned more about the American Revolution. The kids got to meet George Washington (well, not the real one)...they made him a card, had cake, dressed up and played in the forts! It was a lot of fun and educational. It helped to bring the American Revolution... Continue Reading →
The best part of the snow…..
The igloo......and the sliding board sledding hill.....(both that only daddy can take credit for!)