"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Isabella’s 3 vs 3 tournament

Isabella and three of her basketball buddies went all the way to 2nd place in the 3 on3 basketball tournament. They tie dyed their own shirts for their uniform. I must say that these girls played with such awesome teamwork and with joy that was neat to observe. They had a lot of fun and... Continue Reading →


Ethan and Isabella both played basketball this season and of course daddy was the coach! They were very proud to accept their medals! It was a fun season and they played their hearts out! We're proud of them, and I'm proud of the best coach ever...daddy!

100 day!!!

We recently celebrated 100 day here in our homeschool. This is a big event in our house because it marks "100" days of school and of course...our annual scavenger hunt to reveal the 100 snack!First we read psalm 100 which happens to be a psalm of thanks.... Shout for joy to the LORD, all the... Continue Reading →

Helaina’s Huskey Birthday!

Helaina wanted a "Husky" Birthday...(Siberian Huskies are her ABSOLUTELY favorite dog). So, she got to pick her streamer colors which she picked, grey, blue and white (husky colors). Well, there really aren't "husky themed" birthday items available to buy...so, she kept with the color theme for the table cloth and plates. But, when she woke... Continue Reading →

A special “sister show”

Here in our house ....shows are a common place thing. This particular show was especially cute...and deserved to be placed in the blog "hall of fame"!...see for yourself...

Valentines Celebrations!

The kids always have fun sharing love with others (especially if there is candy involved!!). They got to make valentines for their co-op buddies and they hid a valentine in their siblings rooms.They woke up to a sweet surprise for Valentines morning!!:-)


I just loved this moment, and I was so glad to capture it with my camera. Isabella loved sharing her lapbook with Pop-Pop Marty....but, what I loved most of all is the appreciation that I see in her eyes of Pop-pop Marty(who is her great grandfather) and her desire to share what she is learning... Continue Reading →

Kangaroos and Ben Franklin this week…

We have had a lot of fun learning about Kangaroos with Helaina and Ashton. She in on Letter K with the MFW curriculum and whatever she does....little Ashton is shadowing her every move. Sure hope he doesn't remember it when it comes time for him to do Kindergarten in 1.5 years.Well, we were all fascinated... Continue Reading →

Blog developed and designed by Ethan Cannelongo