"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

Isabella’s surprise slumber party!!!

Isabella has been asking for years to have a slumber party. So, we secretly planned to have her cousin and 3 other friends arrive to surprise Isabella at home! She was super excited!!! The nights was filled with laughs, screams, squeals, giggles.....and after eating a variety of snacks, not without some funky gaseous smells ...LOL.... Continue Reading →

Me and my guy!

I am blessed to start a new year with you............here's our "serious shot"......we SERIOUSLY had to try like 100 times because neither of us are serious enough to take a shot like this.....just silly!

Our field trip to the National Aquarium!

Now here is a beautiful, amazing, and educational place very close to us that we NEVER go to. And do you wanna know why????......well, it's simple......it's just too darn expensive for a family of six!!! So, when my good friends, (and fellow homeschooling mommas) Julie and Kathleen, invited me to come with them and a... Continue Reading →

A LOT to be Thankful for…..

I figured I should start blogging about Thanksgiving before Christmas gets here!! The kids made some "thankful Turkies" a few days before T-day.And for the actual dinner, we alternate grandparent's houses every other year. This year we were at Brian's parents' celebrating with Grandma Pat, Papa Buddy, Aunt Amy, The newest Uncle....Uncle Derek, Uncle Jason,... Continue Reading →

Our Colonial paper homes

Last week we learned what a Pioneer home looked like....and the kids were surprised that they were "one room" and had dirt floors! :-)Ashton made a "shape" room.....we lost his pioneer room pieces...so we had to improvise ;-).

gingerbread houses!

Every year my kids make gingerbread houses in their Art class at our Homeschool co-op! This year Ethan was old enough to participate! Here are their houses.....don't you just love how the houses are so different....a reflection of their personalities!!:-)Ashton and Helaina are showing off their "Thankful Crosses" that they made in their class!

Our new colors!

Brian and I slaved all weekend to get the painting done! Whew! It's finally done, except for some touch ups. Notice the awesome job Brian did on the crown molding and wainscoting. I am so proud of him:-). Of course the colors aren't portrayed accurately through the camera, but you can still get an idea... Continue Reading →

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