"The desert will rejoice and bloom like a Wildflower"
Isaiah 35:1

The little orphan kitty…

....God is really neat in his timing. Just a week ago my mom lost her dear cat (one who she found homeless 10 years ago). Well, let me get the story straight...Actually, my sister and I discovered the kitty outside our home meowing like she was hungry....so, of course we fed it:-). Well, she didn't... Continue Reading →

A day at the barn…..

This is so much fun! We just piled in the car and took the afternoon to spend with our family horse, Barron. It's so awesome to not have to pay for pony rides!:-) They love to be walked around the ring on Barron's back. Barron takes good care of them. Of course, Isabella wants to... Continue Reading →

Our day trip to the beach….

...hard to imagine, sitting here freezing with my hot cocoa, that just a couple weeks ago we went to the beach and the kids actually splashed around in their bathing suits in the ocean. Oh, how I miss the warm days:-(.....But, here are some pics to help me remember:-).

The Iron Hill Museum

A few weeks ago (I am just getting around to blogging about it)...I discovered a special place that was just down the road from me. It is called the Iron Hill Museum. It is an old school house that is jam packed with natural treasures that keep curious minds and fingers engaged! This was the... Continue Reading →

Wow….some songs just do that!!!

He is always calling us back.....NEVER giving up on us....what an amazing Father!!!!!"You Belong to me"by~ Grey HolidayLYRICS:You run, you hideAs tears fall from your eyesThey fall like snowFrom a wounded soulYou hold insideThe hurt of great divideThe hole is starting to get oldSo come back to the lightTo the love, you will find It’s... Continue Reading →


Helaina, finished 2 units is the past 2 weeks (M and N). Can you tell that we are NOT going in order. THis bothered me at first, but after doing MFWk for 3 children....I got used to the idea, and realized that there is a "bigger plan" for why the letters are taught out of... Continue Reading →

Our Soccer season is in full swing!

Isabella is a star....http://w196.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w196.photobucket.com/albums/aa98/cannelongofamily/September%202008/63e9b0ce.pbwEthan (and Ashton) is a star...http://w196.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w196.photobucket.com/albums/aa98/cannelongofamily/September%202008/3a571c80.pbwHelaina is a star...http://w196.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w196.photobucket.com/albums/aa98/cannelongofamily/September%202008/0490cbcb.pbw

Tea time with Nana

What a great Nana! Helaina was blessed to have Nana attend a very special tea party hosted by none other than Miss Helaina herself. Helaina likes to steal Nana and take her up to her room....she just adores her! Well, we all do:-)

Blog developed and designed by Ethan Cannelongo